Author Topic: Earth 2.0.  (Read 186279 times)

Nogova has launched 1,700 missiles at New Rome
The sound of sirens can be heard throughout the contrary, many had hoped this day wouldn't come, but it has. Though few remember what to do they make there way quickly to the bunkers, but many are to late. The military, and Air force, having known of Nogova's missiles as soon as they launched, moved vehicles into special sheds shielding them from blast, and EMP damage. Most of the Planet bound military survived.

Nogova is now sending it's full space fleet to the new planet. It has it's largest battleships at the ready.

Nogova is now sending it's full space fleet to the new planet. It has it's largest battleships at the ready.
It's a full on space battle, only time will tell who will win.

Ok my ships are out of area so we aren't effected by this huge ship forget battle.

Trejirm's entire population loads onto the ARKs, the confidential project worked on throughout our history. These bring us to an entirely different system, planet, and world.

Ok my ships are out of area so we aren't effected by this huge ship forget battle.
You can't just escape that easily, i have other ships devoted to killing life boats.

You can't just escape that easily, i have other ships devoted to killing life boats.
I already did, they are stealthy

What kind of stealth?
Whatever stealth to sneak by your ships and get the hell out of there stealth.

Whatever stealth to sneak by your ships and get the hell out of there stealth.
Lol, if you want to play that way.... I have stealth smelling dogs on board my ships, they control the cannons, and destroy your ships.

Lol, if you want to play that way.... I have stealth smelling dogs on board my ships, they control the cannons, and destroy your ships.
Nope were gone

The two Calderian ships, Endeavour and Compass, see the fading lights of the space battle as their ships travel at light speed. They are heading to Gliese 581c, hoping to find refuge.

Gaias sends ships from the space stations to help Nogova in the space battle.

Just as new enemy's appear, all N.R.S.F ships jump out. This was all a distraction so we could rescue the surviving civilians, and military of New Rome. Just as all N.R.S.F ships jump out, an emp bomb goes off, stunning any ship in its blast radius.

And with this, we leave for a new planet. Thank you my allies, but our time on Hera is done.

We will embark on our journey to a new planet...


« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 06:48:09 PM by Shinji »