Author Topic: My unnamed monument  (Read 1638 times)

So I decided to be a little social today and joined Blur's freebuild were out of complete boredom I made this:

I can't decide what it is, some called it an effiel tower, what bout you guys?

It's a little small, and not very impressive. The construction somehow doesn't appear solid enough for a monument, with the edges and inside corners. I dislike saying this but I don't think it should have a topic on its own.

i got SA on dat server! oh is it still up?
Ontopic: its small and the top part looks like a snake

I do like the top corners, that's pretty slick. The brick layering is also quite nice. It's not great, but it is unique!

It's a little small, and not very impressive(That's what she said). I dislike saying this but I don't think it should have a topic on its own.

It looks like it could be some cool secret elevator thing to an underground base or something.

If this was 3x bigger and had more detail it would be better.

Ontopic: its small and the top part looks like a -snip-
Why are you judging someones build. I bet all your builds look like snake and carrot's. No offence about your builds but don't make fun of someones build, just say it' crappy.

My opinion: It doesn't look like the eifel tower, don't know who said that, and I agree. Build it bigger and call it "My best build ever while in complete boredom" :D

Why are you judging someones build. I bet all your builds look like snake and carrot's. No offence about your builds but don't make fun of someones build, just say it' crappy.
Did baby miss nappy time?

Why are you judging someones build. I bet all your builds look like snake and carrot's. No offense about your builds but don't make fun of someones build, just say it's crappy.

People post builds so they can be judged by the community, to put it bluntly. Just saying it's crappy is not beneficial to the OP, as there's no detail.

It is art, I want to live in it.

ok fine. its stuff he should've built it better. besides it does look like a snake. you make your character sit on it 4 fun.

ok fine. its stuff he should've built it better. besides it does look like a snake. you make your character sit on it 4 fun.

Why are you such a raging starfish?

We need a topic for all the small builds that don't need a topic.

Why are you such a raging starfish?

Hey, you told me not to judge PEOPLE, not their builds.