Author Topic: Roll-to-Fight RPG - Nercigarettee  (Read 10453 times)

This is a pretty good rolling website.

Five warriors from an ancient time set out for treasure. Each one of these warriors are skilled with different weapons and many tactics.

Each of the ten will be controlled by the player rightfully deemed to play as them. If the player doesn't show signs of playing further, somebody can take over for them. Once a character is in use, nobody else can play as them.

Astrum (star9578)

Strength: 7
Power: 8
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 8
Intelligence: 7
Magic: 8
Greed: 7
Tanking: 6
Health: 36


Special Stats: Intelligence and Greed
Merchants sell and buy in mass amounts daily. Useful and start out with money. Uses Shortsword and the spell "Persuade lvl1" which has a chance to make an enemy your friend.
Health: 26


Special Stats: Dexterity and Tanking
Monks use Staves. They are great with tanking, but they aren't very good at dealing damage.
Health: 35


Special Stats: Magic and Health
Priests don't deal damage, but they sure can heal damage. Priests use no weapons. Their spells include "Teleport" which allows you to teleport to any friend instead of rolling, "Heal lvl5" which heals friends for 50% of their health and "Transfer health (by entered amount)" transfers health from the priest to any existing friend in battle. You can set how much health you transfer to the point of ten less health than they currently have.
Health: 70

Doodler (?)

Strength: 6
Power: 7
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 12
Magic: 12
Greed: 6
Tanking: 5
Health: 25

A mage can use ranged magical attacks and can use three magical powers. Fire, heal and slow.

Flemming (Blaze0)

Strength: 7
Power: 7
Endurance: 8
Dexterity: 12
Intelligence: 11
Magic: 5
Greed: 5
Tanking: 5
Health: 33

Hunters are skilled with bows and daggers. Is ranged and can make both armor and stun beast enemies.


Strength - 7
Power - 6
Endurance - 6
Dexterity - 6
Intelligence - 5
Magic - 5
Greed - 5
Tanking - 10
Health - 42

Swordsmen are great with swords. Criticals do more damage and has more accuracy than the warrior.

Orlav (Shadowed999)

Strength: 10
Power: 5
Endurance: 9
Dexterity: 9
Intelligence: 10
Magic: 1
Greed: 3
Tanking: 15
Health: 35
Health: 61

Warriors use hammers. Can knock enemies out and has a great amount of health.

Drimth (Scarpelt)

Strength: 7
Power: 6
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 12
Intelligence: 5
Magic: 12
Greed: 7
Tanking: 5
Health: 26
Moves: Posion, Sap and Turn Enemy.

The specialty stat of each character is +2 to the stat.

Strength - How much damage you do. 3 points = 1 damage. Your strength plus your level is how much your damage base is.
Power - How much health you have. 16 points of health each time you spend a point into it.
Endurance - How much health is taken away from an attack. 4 less damage from attacks each 3 point into it.
Dexterity - How fast you move across the map. Each point into it is 1 extra space forward.
Intelligence - How much magic damage you do. 3 points = 1 damage. Same as strength.
Magic - How much mana you have. 1 every 3 points Same as power.
Greed - How much money you make from killing things. 20+ gold each kill.
Tanking - How much defense you get from armor. 10 defense every point.

You start out with 5 of each stat plus specialty stat.

You start out with 10 points to spend into each stat.

Leveling up gives you another 5 points to spend.

Killing enemies gives a certain amount of EXP to level.

When on the map, rolling is how many spaces you can move by half of what you roll.
1 is don't move.
2 is one move
3 is one move
4 is two moves
5 is two moves
6 is three moves.
You move individually.

When everyone's turn is up, I roll for random encounters for each person.

When you reach a town, you can recruit.

You can recruit any current class the town offers. Recruits act like you have a second character, and they level up and die just like you. If you die with a recruit, your main character WILL be the recruit.

When buying/selling, rolling differs how much money is taken away or given to you. The percentage is based off of how much gold you are holding.
1 is 0% change
2 is 15% change
3 is 19% change
4 is 24% change
5 is 19% change
6 is 15% change

During combat, rolling is used for attacking during your turn. First you have to pick which command you're doing. "Attack", "Defend", "Use item", "Run" or "Spell"
Here's what rolling affects.

Combat is how much damage you do. When your turn is up, I roll as the enemies and what they get determines how much damage they do to you. When it's the enemy's turn, if they miss the ranger gets a chance to fire an always-critical hit.

1 is 1x your current damage
2 is miss
3 is 2x your current damage
4 is 2x your current damage
5 is miss
6 is 3x your current damage. This is a critical.

With defending, you take generally less damage from enemy attacks. Same goes for your enemies. Unless you chose a different action, every time it is your turn you defend.
1 is 5 less health taken away
2 is 9
3 is none
4 is 24
5 is none
6 is the enemy misses you

You can only hold fifteen items excluding your equipment. When you use an item in combat, it can be to heal or to do damage. When using a healing or poison item, you roll for how much health it deals/gives.
1 is 5 health
2 is 16 health
3 is misfire and you lose the item forever
4 is 24 health
5 is 30 health
6 is 5 health and the item doesn't disappear.

Running is difficult. If you run, you leave combat and you leave your other team-members to fight. Useful if you don't want to die.
1 is don't run
2 is run
3 is don't run
4 is run
5 is don't run
6 is run

When you die during combat, you are dead until somebody revives you or your team members reach an inn.

Magic attacks are for the mage or necromancer. What spell you use differs on what it does to the enemy.
1 is 1x your current damage
2 is miss
3 is 2x your current damage
4 is 2x your current damage
5 is miss
6 is 3x your current damage. This is a critical.

When the enemies are dead, I will roll for your items. Everybody shares the inventory.
1 is 2 normal items and 15 gold plus your current levels combined.
2 is 5 normal items and 20 gold plus your current levels combined.
3 is 2 normal items and a rare item and 25 gold plus your current levels combined.
4 is no drops and 5 gold plus your current levels combined.
5 is 5 normal items and 2 rare items and 0 gold.
6 is 5 rare items and 25 gold plus your current levels combined.

When in a dungeon, tower or a cave, you can roll to get chests with rare items.
1 is none
2 is two rare items
3 is none
4 is three rare items
5 is none
6 is four rare items

Now for the equipment and potions.
The equipment types are:
wool, wood, iron, steel, gold, ivory, silver, diamond and obsidian.
Wool is +3 armor
Wood is +6 armor and +5 attack
Iron is +14 armor and +15 attack
Steel is +20 armor and +25 attack
Gold is +35 armor and +40 attack
Ivory is +47 armor and +55 attack
Silver is +63 armor and +75 attack
Diamond is +94 armor and +95 attack
The obsidian helmet makes your invulnerable. The sword kills everything it touches.
The weapon types are:
longsword, shortsword, staff, hammer, axe, bow, longbow, wand, spear, polearm, maul and dagger.

Armor articles are:
Helm, Pants, Shirt and Boots.
the potions are
Lesser, Normal, Improved, Greater and Ultra.
Lesser heals 25 plus what you rolled.
Normal heals 40 plus what you rolled.
Improved heals 60 plus what you rolled.
Greater heals 200 regardless of what you rolled.
Ultra heals 500 regardless of what you rolled.

Fire, Knockout, Damage and Confusion.
Fire catches them fire. Deals 49 damage directly and 20 damage each turn.
Knockout makes them fall asleep for three turns.
Damage just flat out hurts them for half their health. Doesn't work on bosses.
Confusion makes them attack themselves for three turns.

ETC. items are completely random and sell for random amounts of gold. There are unlimited items, but for each item you get is put into this list:

Enemies are also completely random. Each one you fight is put into this list:

Your magic stance is what magic type your character is best with.

- Light
- Ice
- Wind
- Dark

You all start out with what weapons you want of wooden, and cloth armor.

This is your map. The yellow and black square is you.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2011, 01:35:24 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

Thy necromancer needs a name.

Strength: 7
Power: 6
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 12
Intelligence: 5
Magic: 12
Greed: 7
Tanking: 5
Health: 26

I'll be Flemming the Hunter.

I'll be Flemming the Hunter.

You also need to input your stats.

I'll be the Doodler the Mage.

I would of joined as a mage but I take swordsman! :D

Strength: 5 + 2
Power: 5 + 2
Endurance: 5 + 3
Dexterity: 10 + 2
Intelligence: 10 +1
Magic: 5
Greed: 5
Tanking: 5
Health: 33

Strength: 6
Power: 7
Endurance: 6
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 12
Magic: 12
Greed: 6
Tanking: 5

I will be HADSOME PANCE the swodsman