Author Topic: Bones4's Titanic (still)  (Read 35310 times)

I saw the early pics of this topic and i thought "Wow that's interesting. It looks great!" and Yesterday I got a close look at it. This has got to be Blockland history. This has to be one of the most Incredible builds I've ever seen. I've seen a lot. :)

        Oh and there is a post by Rotavator of a Steam boat that would be great for a tug boat. But I would have to ask him. Anyway Great work Bones!

   Off Topic: I'm on the Far right in the pic of the propellers... :3

Off Topic: I'm on the Far right in the pic of the propellers... :3

Also, those featured in the photo from left to right: Modman, myself, Socky, RMS Gigantic, TicTac, and Northmoor.


I have imported seven tracks from the game Titanic: Adventure Out Of Time into Blockland. They are perfect loops, though the quality leaves something to be desired. Not my fault though, as the game came out back in 1996. Anyway, here is the track list:

Grand Staircase
Second Class
Scotland Road
Cargo Hold

Of course, Bones doesn't have to use these on his recreation of the Titanic. I am just posting these so people can download them and maybe load them up in the Background Music Selector/Advanced Music Player to add to the atmosphere.

Note: All these tracks were composed by Erik Holt. I take no credit for making these tracks, only making them loop and converting them to mono .OGGs for Blockland. All copyrights go to him.

Anyway, here's the link:

Instructions: Download and open the .zip, then extract the files to your Blockland\Add-Ons\Music folder

I finished A deck's exterior on the port side and rear.

And of course...

RMS Gigantic ^

I do say, good sir: that was an indubitably gracious day to retrieve my new 1912 Renault AX Tourer out onto the forward well deck for a most charming of drives!

(P.S.: I built that car)
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 12:47:42 AM by RMS Gigantic »

Awesome, can't wait till your next server will be up! As I Said in the last post if you want to get a Tug boat for it i have a friend that might be able to help.

RMS Gigantic added details to the funnels

I added the pipes on A deck

I started B deck

View from the dock

And Gigantic's boat train

Bones what would you do if I made my own titanic with default bricks and I finish it before you finish yours?

Lord Tony, what If I told you I think your IQ is barely pushing 70?

Lord Tony, what If I told you I think your IQ is barely pushing 70?

Well it would be surely inaccurate because I act stupid.

It's a nice titanic that took probably years to make.

I am fully aware I won't finish it before you finish yours.

I never even finished my Lego Island replica.