
Do you think space travel will ever be efficient and non-dangerous?

21 (60%)
14 (40%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: Do you think Human Beings will ever perfect space travel?  (Read 2125 times)

I'm fourteen and know how spacetravel works.
You step inside the plastic airlock and use the plastic engines to go into space at supermagic speeds.

No you are wrong.

You take the rocket and throw it as fast into the wall as you can.

It's mainly a problem of supply and usage.

To travel at light speed, you need an infinite amount of fuel.

With warp speed, you still go about as fast, and it uses less fuel.

Food isn't unlimited ever though, that's a big problem.

We'd have to send enough food to last for the entire trip, then every day or every week or every month or something send enough food to last that amount of time, a big usage of money and also fuel.

You have to have enough fuel to get enough force to break through the atmosphere as well as the gravitational pull of Earth, we can do that today, but we use up too much of our fuel doing it.

We would need to seriously do some thinking and research before space travel is possible to the extent that we can actually inhabit other planets/moons.

Mars, for instance, would need to be terraformed to have Earth-like atmospheric properties, not an inexpensive task.
Reach inspiration?


It uses polar magnets which rotate a sphere of metal and then it throws the rotation into different axises until the space ship which is held inside of the metal sphere reaches light speed, and then released through a beam of super-heated light. It is then accelerated by two poles connected to a revolving base, then shot out of the base at light speed.

Nukes, Atomic Bombs, Aliens, etc, Barney, Tornadoes, Worlds Largest Hurricanes, Barney and friends etc,Etc.

The hearing aid kid on barney.

Planes crash
Cars break down
Boats sink

Nothing is perfect.

Planes crash
Cars break down
Boats sink

Nothing is perfect.

You guys just love being the smartass, don't you?

An effective, efficient and non-dangerous space travel system is what I meant.

ITT:nerdy teenagers trying to sound smart.

Planes crash
Cars break down
Boats sink

And brotha I hurt people

Anyways, I hope they do colonize some planet/moon/space hotel before I die.