Author Topic: Pet peeves of mine  (Read 6616 times)

You go to it
this is the part where you become a full handicap

this is the part where you become a full handicap

I'm not talking about full obvious scams, I'm talking about ones that are possible.

I'm not talking about full obvious scams, I'm talking about ones that are possible.
there are possible ones?
examples please.

So what if I don't like American Football, that doesn't mean I differ from the norm and should be considered an alien. Liking and disliking something is a matter of opinion.

2. You're weird.
If everyone was the same, then the world would be pretty damn boring.

It's as repetitive and stupid as "Your mom."

4. Girls who think they can have whatever they want anytime.
During P.E., I was shooting some hoops when a girl just swoops in and takes the ball away from me. Twenty years from now, that ball is going to be a wallet.

I don't believe this. People actually say Jay Kay or Smiley Face or Oh Em Gee. It's disappointing.

6. Hypocrites
From a few feet away I hear "hey dude what's your rank in black ops," and when I come up to them just to say "Hi," they say "HEY GUYS HOW OFTEN DO YOU PLAY ECKS BAWCKS"

7. Hey why do you sleep in class
So what if I sleep in class, do you have a problem with it, or did sleeping kill your family as a kid?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 03:07:22 PM by WingZero »

I have a problem staying awake in first and second periods.

The new Disney.
Now it's a pop star business with cheesy shows aimed at 5 year old whores.
I'm also bugged by brothers that beat the stuff out of you on a daily basis.

Hey, did you guys know Disney bought the rights to the osama bin laden seal team? Like, only Disney can make a movie out of it.

When attention whores ask random questions in class for attention.
Someone asked our English teacher "How do dolphins produce milk without boobs?"

People with shutter shades in their avatar.

I don't believe this. People actually say Jay Kay or Smiley Face or Oh Em Gee. It's disappointing.
my mother all the way
Hey, did you guys know Disney bought the rights to the osama bin laden seal team? Like, only Disney can make a movie out of it.
I'd like to believe you're joking

"How do dolphins produce milk without boobs?"

Most of these things I see at school and one while playing COD.

1. "Hurpa durpa. forgeter gay ass you don't like basketball cuz u bad"
So what if I hate basketball? I hate how people seem to obsess over it.

2. "I is better than ju because im more Asian than you"
Seriously? My friend said that to me because I'm only half-Asian.

3. "GiVe me teh ball (soccer) so I can show you hao kewlz I is when I really am bad at everything!11!1!"
Nothing to say on this. This kid in my PE class thinks he is cool but really not. I feel like killing this kid and laugh at his face.

4. "Durr. I is so kewl because I can use the cheapest stuff in the game to get the best loving score ever. Dumbstuff"
Saw this just today. People ruining the game thinking they can become "MLG leg1t".

Damn starfishs.

Jackasses saying the world is gonna end on this date.

"Hey do you like Hockey?"



I hate hockey. The only thing I like about it is the people who obese over any team, such as the Canucks, and when they lose they trow tantrums.

I know this one hockey fanboy who adores the canucks, and he asked me if I like hockey. I said I don't care for it. He tried to punch me because of my opinions. I dodged because he is a pretty beefed up guy though. Then I told him a joke.

The Canucks are like the titanic, they're great until they hit the ice.

Then I ran like hell.
Me and my friends laugh at that still.