Author Topic: My eye feels twitchy.  (Read 1379 times)

So, like the title says, every time I close my eyes, my left eye feels like it's twitching when it isn't. Or at least the eyelid anyways. Does anyone know what it means or what to do or even both?

I have this. Had it yesterday with my right eyes. For me it feels awesome. :3

So, like the title says, every time I close my eyes, my left eye feels like it's twitching when it isn't. Or at least the eyelid anyways. Does anyone know what it means or what to do or even both?
Happens to me when I'm tired.

omg. eye-twitch-syndrome is the first sign of not-going-to-heaven-on-may-21st!!!!!!11111

 Your nerves are causing it, just relax and forget about it.
I had it a few times.

omg. eye-twitch-syndrome is the first sign of not-going-to-heaven-on-may-21st!!!!!!11111

 Do you know what hell looks like? It looks like the bottom of your laundry basket, smells like it too.

Your nerves are causing it, just relax and forget about it.
I had it a few times.

 Do you know what hell looks like?
I can't ignore it, the twitchy gets me all....derp.

Do you know what hell looks like? It looks like the bottom of your laundry basket, smells like it too.

If that's what hell looks like, hell has a damn good sense of clothes.

And smells like it? brother the only thing you can smell in my room is Abercrombie Fierce cologne.

 Massage your eyelid.
Do what feels right.

Massage your eyelid.
Do what feels right.
I put lotion on my eyelid.

Forever closed, my good ol' seeing eye's eyelid. Tsk tsk tsk.

I've began having this recently, usually while trying to get a lucid dream. It does feel weird, makes it hard to fall asleep.

I've began having this recently, usually while trying to get a lucid dream. It does feel weird, makes it hard to fall asleep.
Strangely enough, when I sleep, I forget about the entire thing, even if it is twitching, I wouldn't notice.

Also, I've been noticing that I've been able to stay up for 3 days straight (Holy stuff I have a huge temper at this point) but now I actually get tired and fall asleep before my brother does, which is usually before me. He's also older than me.

This all started after my eye twitch thing.