Author Topic: Just when exactly is enough?  (Read 2694 times)

When do you think you will stop playing Blockland for good? At a certain age? When another game comes out? Post your thoughts.

Stop playing blockland?

Stop playing blockland?
We shall see about that!  :cookieMonster:

I will never stop playing Blockland until the drama dies and everything is boring.

I'm actually getting pretty close. The only thing I play on it any more is the DMs/TDMs.

It happens naturaly

Sometimes, life needs you to stop playing and its not that you dont wana play, you just have no time (Work, Girlfriends, school (college), etc)

Other times its fact that you just don't want to play Blockland TDM/DM because its "Too childish" compared to other games like MW or BC2

Other times its fact that you just don't want to play Blockland TDM/DM because its "Too childish" compared to other games like MW or BC2

I plan to always jump back on Blockland build a house or something. It's a nice escape from linear shooters

most likely never

or unless every server literally becomes a DM/TDM or RP... which most already are, so the only servers I go to are usually mine or the occasional knife TDM, but even those suck now:/

up until the time Bones4 stops hosting his server, I'm probably just going to go and play in my own isolated server, occasionally coming out for Badspot's Block Party

I've had it for years and I still love it.

Most other games I have ever played become boring over a period of time. Blockland, so far, hasn't become boring yet.

My best guess to why this happens is because there not a limit to what you can do on this game. People will always make new addons to make Blockland 'new' again.

I will probably leave Blockland once addons cease to be made.
My hopes is that Blockland never comes to that point.

I've had it for years but it's starting to get intensely boring.