Total Members Voted: 21
I would join this if you hadn't made it seem like a brony clan by spamming all that brony pixelart on the front. Even though I seem to flame the group at every moment.My group kindof died.
OH BTW BEFORE I FORGET AND GO TO SLEEP!Jared: Merry Christmas guys!Deraj: AND TO ALL DEATH!!Jared: Just stop that and say the line on the card...Deraj: Fine........ I hope you all enjoy your holiday........Jared: See that wasn't so bad...Deraj: I hate you.Real Jared: Happy Holidays there is another Jared/Deraj complication for youMERRY CHRISTMAS!
LOL I was bored at 4:00 am
I can tell you was bored
Should I do the "A Very RPWS Christmas" Story
What's with the random stuffty pictures?Don't post them like that.
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Lolwut you play MGO? (metal gear online)
I failed to find deraj in the medival rp.
there is something I don't quit get, what are the words before the names in the member list for?like thisBear - Yogi {27067} s245