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Total Members Voted: 21

Author Topic: [RPWS] Role Play WarriorS (Disbanded)  (Read 64440 times)

My dad needs to buy a new router.. the router in my house dies a lot.. and it is a pain in the butt when Rping

also if ThinkInvisible.. didnt see it because this post started a new page.. Welcome
« Last Edit: March 02, 2012, 02:52:19 AM by jaradderaj »

so when will one of the servers be active
hello? anyone there?
« Last Edit: March 02, 2012, 08:46:34 PM by ThinkInvisible »

are you stuffting me garfeld > everything else

why did we get the gayest clan ever?
Who voted?
And are you just trying to flaunt your own power that you think that you have?


Either your just hatin' or its because our clan is never online.

syntax: [action] (OOC) *thoughts* <random red spam> {probably explaining some script in OOC}
that okay or do i have to do something differently

Guys dont even talk to him.. It is clear that he is the only one voting.. Woopty doo he thinks our clan is gay.. just ignore him..