Author Topic: Can you imagine everyone on the forums to meet at once?  (Read 11991 times)

okay then, how about 1700 posts?

Ah darn, tell me how it goes! Lol.

Ah darn, tell me how it goes! Lol.
Well there would be exceptions. What about if you're on everyday, but don't post?

Well there would be exceptions. What about if you're on everyday, but don't post?

I wasn't active since December til like last week lol.

EDIT: but yeah good idea :3

Well i'm pretty sure some convention centers can pack in large numbers of children, and adults.

Well i'm pretty sure some convention centers can pack in large numbers of children, and adults.

I'm sure there is.

Tis the largest i read. Can hold 200k+

"Being one of the largest convention centers in the world..."

Perhaps not the largest, says one of the largest. but that'd be awesome haha :D

Lots of room to murder your forum rivals!

Lots of room to murder your forum rivals!

Uh oh... guess i could bring a gun. :\

stuff slows down when bisjac enters the room. all eyes on me as i do my awesome slow motion strut entrance.

stuff slows down when bisjac enters the room. all eyes on me as i do my awesome slow motion strut entrance.

Lol, what if no one notices you? Will you still do it? That'd be pretty... odd haha.

There would be thousands, so to be honest, almost nobody would notice him.

oh people would notice me alright. ill be with the posse of cool people. we be boozing it up in the corner booth.
kicking it to our song baby.

I have dreams of stuff like this.

Can I join you bisjac?