Author Topic: Can you imagine everyone on the forums to meet at once?  (Read 11959 times)

Can I join you bisjac?

Don't talk to him he's too cool for you!



yeah front be at our table

yeah front be at our table

You just ruined my comment dammit D:

lol he only asked because hes my guy friday. we already roll

stuff will get real.

yeah front be at our table
Awesome, I'll brink drinks.

Dammit man i kinda wanna do this now >_>

the people that look awesome would be fat nerds
the people you want to bash would be 8 years old
and you would be surrounded by little kids
all meeting = bad idea

Noob...noob...noob...noob...n ob...aha! No, wait, it's ob...noob...noob...noob...noo b...

I'd try as much as possible to avoid any contact with any of you. I'd prefer to see you as anonymous peoples, and not know a thing about you. At all.

I read drama topics, and everything is getting hot as heck, and people are all yelling at each other and being all big and intelligent. But I wonder what would happen to those smartmouthed idiots and the high placed idols. If we were to all meet at once, and see whose behind the computer screen, and who is really dishing out the hate. My thoughts and guesses would be this;
The tough intelligent know it all people whose been here sense Badspot made this game, are nerds, or no lifers, the people who do nothing but hang loose and chill, are probably just kids living normal lives, people who are being drama'd like no other Stockingsprobably have more muscles on their arms then you do on your whole body.
But I can be wrong. And so are we, we don't know whose behind the screen, switching from fappity fap research to the Blockland forums, who you think is all tough and smart, could be some low life nerd who everyone picks on at school.
Who knows, you might be arguing with your step brothers sisters uncle's nephews cousin twice removed brothers sisters boyfriends brother. Who knows.
tl;dr: Op thinks that anyone who acts mature is some weak shutin and the annoying kids here get laid every night and are very strong.

I wouldn't go. I'd be too scared for my life.

It would be bloody hell.

Ill shoot all of you with my bow.

Ill shoot all of you with my bow.

Even me?

Your minds cant forget amaya.