Author Topic: I just realized I could care less about having a girlfriend/boyfriend.  (Read 2693 times)

I feel the same way. I don't particularly try to go for it unless I have true feelings for a person, I usually just see guys eyeing pretty much every girl in the loving school when they don't even know or love them.
Testosterone everywhere, my boy.

I wish my face wasn't so damn ugly.

Also, I'm shy in real life, and I'm forced to be stuck with the same horde of girls pretty much the next 4 years in IB. About 80% of them are already in a relationship, 10% don't give a damn about dating, 5% do not appeal to me, and the last 5% I like and are single but I am unable to communicate the message that I have an attraction/interest in them.

I hate social interactions asdf.

There are a few girls I like that like me back. But I don't want to get sucked into the whole "having a girlfriend is cool" fad and us probably breaking apart ruining my chances later in life. So I'm just friends with them.
And I don't care at all about the "friend zone". It's just a stupid "don't do" thing. I could probably go on a date with them in the future and be friends with them since 2nd grade.

I usually just see guys eyeing pretty much every girl in the loving school when they don't even know or love them.
mm mmm dat assssssssss

Agreed times infinity.
It's funny making jokes about it but to be honest I don't want one either.

Im cool with not having a Girl ATM because I'd have another thign distracting me from schoolwork, I'd be on Facebook all the time, and answer phone calls/texts. That is why I must find hot gamer chick, so we can chat on Steam and gun people down together :D

Also girls make me lol whenever they find some guy they think looks awesome, they just end up breaking up with them a few weeks in.

Basically i'll just wait till later in life when girls like you for how your life is and the actual person, not the looks.

But I love my girlfriend.  C:

Sometimes I think this.
I know I'm young, but I know a few girls who are interested, but if they were to ask me I'd probably say no.
Young relationships are stupid and fake.

Sometimes I think this.
I know I'm young, but I know a few girls who are interested, but if they were to ask me I'd probably say no.
Young relationships are stupid and fake.
Doesn't matter. Make as many female friends as possible while young. Stop thinking so critically about it.

Im cool with not having a Girl ATM because I'd have another thign distracting me from schoolwork
What a nerd
That is why I must find hot gamer chick, so we can chat on Steam and gun people down together :D
Not gonna happen
Basically i'll just wait till later in life when girls like you for how your life is and the actual person, not the looks.
You have no idea how the world works, what grade are you in?

Frostbyte disappoints me.

You could care less?

You could care less?
To say so would imply a margin of less caring, therefore implying that you DO care about the subject, even if just a smidgeon.

Correct usage: Could NOT care less, Couldn't care less.

On-Topic: My girlfriend and I have no problem with each other just talking to others of the opposite love, but more than talking would start a problem. I have been dating her for a year now.

To say so would imply a margin of less caring, therefore implying that you DO care about the subject, even if just a smidgeon.

Correct usage: Could NOT care less, Couldn't care less.
I could care less.
See what I did there? c: