Author Topic: I just realized I could care less about having a girlfriend/boyfriend.  (Read 2687 times)

I was thinking of malestrom obviously when I put them on there xD

You'll feel differently later on in life.
Maybe, maybe not.
I think OP is like in his twenties.
You're only looking at relationships from one side.

Sure, they can be bossy, but they can love you unconditionally, you can confide in them without consequences, they're mostly always there for you and so on.
Wouldn't love exist regardless of the established "relationship" expectations?
e.g. Someone can love you without you even knowing it.

In my school
They just want you for what you're going to buy them
... :cookieMonster:
selling self to ugly person for 500 dollar diamond necklace then break up 10 days later (happened to some dude i know or some kind of expensive looking necklace given then break up soon) HERP

I was thinking of malestrom obviously when I put them on there xD

I'm a pretty decent human. I dress nicely, wear a bowtie when I can, I'm very happy...

Yet I don't reel any in? :c

Who would want to date a pony-loving hermit?

Who would want to date a pony-loving hermit?

Who said I loved ponys?

Ah, thank you.

I am a Hermit if you actually knew me.

Who would want to date a pony-loving hermit?
Definitely not OP though.

you probably like being single because you can't get a boyfriend or girlfriend
and then you say,"yeah, well, I like being single"

Took me forever to get the courage to approach a girl with the intent of getting with her.

It's worth it, despite the ups and downs. I don't condone it, but if you're just in it to forget it, a girlfriend could just easily be a safety net to forget when you've run out of other chicks.

OR, if you're in it for feelings then there's always that one girl who cares about you as much as you care about her. It's nice to know that there's at least one other person out there who cares a lot about you.

Exact opposite for me =/