Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 323642 times)

You really think people went god damn I should buy some weed?

What about ads for alcohol and tobacco products? Where a company actually puts out an ad for a completely legal yet harmful drug? Is that ok when a company does it legally?


His argument: People dont loving do this stuff

Alas, he is also stating that legal drugs shouldn't be able to put out ads if illegal drugs can't. Even IF the illegal drugs are better for you than the legal ones

You really think people went god damn I should buy some weed?

What about ads for alcohol and tobacco products? Where a company actually puts out an ad for a completely legal yet harmful drug? Is that ok when a company does it legally?

Alcohol and tobacco are both just as bad, I'm not defending them, don't assume I am.

Alcohol and tobacco are both just as bad, I'm not defending them, don't assume I am.

Well those are actual ads for harmful products, the one you linked was what some kid made to try to get it legalized. I feel like one is worse than the other

One is worse than the other. One tells you to get stuff-faced-drunk and crash or kill your family. The other tells you that pot is doesn't tell you that smoking on a blunt will fill your heart at ease, it simply states that marijuana is not harmful.

"Please drink responsibly"

Alcohol companies try to get people to buy their stuff by saying
"Oh it's a nice cold beer"
"Have one during the football game"
"Have one for the 4th of July"
"Drink one with the family"
"Guys night out! Be responsible"

Marijuana does not advertise it's "bud" but the plant as a whole. This could be the making of string, clothes, or even hempcrete.
One day my house will be made of hempcrete :D
I wish they told me to be responsible the first time I smoked weed, might have helped [/haha]
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 09:17:56 AM by Goth77 »

What actually surprised me that industrial hemp is a ridiculously strong fabric and an excellent biofuel. You can't get high from industrial hemp so why the flying forget can't we use it. In US it's illegal to grow it but you can manufacture products from it.

What actually surprised me that industrial hemp is a ridiculously strong fabric and an excellent biofuel. You can't get high from industrial hemp so why the flying forget can't we use it. In US it's illegal to grow it but you can manufacture products from it.


What actually surprised me that industrial hemp is a ridiculously strong fabric and an excellent biofuel. You can't get high from industrial hemp so why the flying forget can't we use it. In US it's illegal to grow it but you can manufacture products from it.

Yeah this is the part i was trying to explain. Industrial hemp makes the strongest fiber in the world. The Biofuel is another great thing because it would help solve the oil crCIA!

Imagine cars powered on weed. Never again worry about grampa locking himself in the garage with the car on. ITS SAFE!

One thing I found interesting, Demian, is that they actually construct homes out of hemp! They mix like limestone and hemp-by-product with water and BOOM you get a self-supporting structure with a high R-value for insulating!

What does hemp have to do with marijuana?

What does hemp have to do with marijuana?

they are the same plant

Yeah this is the part i was trying to explain. Industrial hemp makes the strongest fiber in the world. The Biofuel is another great thing because it would help solve the oil crCIA!
You can also make fuel out of corn. It isn't very popular. I wonder why.

Are you serious? What about carbon nanotubes, steel cables, and even spider silk. They are all 500x stronger than a dumb plant fiber.

they are the same plant

and? What does that have to  do with smoking marijuana?

You can also make fuel out of corn. It isn't very popular. I wonder why.

Are you serious? What about carbon nanotubes, steel cables, and even spider silk. They are all 500x stronger than a dumb plant fiber.
Hemp can be grown easier and thus it's a ton cheaper.

goth no offense but follow my orders

1. I am a lv8 stoner, you are lv1.

Pot isn't super good miracle herb for everything without any consequences. I have a few vids that may or may nor sway your opinion.

those are generally from both sides and are done by professional liberals, or just professionals. Or, I might be wrong. I'm just guessing as I saw the bottom two and really liked them, and I liked the descriptions for the top two. Either way, I think it will intrigue all of you today.

IMO pot makes everything 6x better so I kind of like that. However, it makes me notice pain much more (ie, cavities that I can easily ignore sober)

Hemp can be grown easier and thus it's a ton cheaper.

I want a source, an unbiased source. No conspiracy theories about hemp being made illegal