Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 322981 times)

smoking cigs (preferably Camel Crush or any other popular menthol, because Camel Crush is loving awesome) is the farthest i have ever gone, because I've seen people smoke pot, and I didn't like the way they acted, so i'll just avoid it.

not that i mind pot smokers, i just dont like the effect.

the affect cigarettes leave on me is just great, especially after love.
its peaceful and mellow.

it's a bitch to get up real fast after sitting for a while though lol.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 02:47:30 PM by TheChaosCarrier »

Generic 'potheads' are handicaps. Marijuana does not force you to act in any particular way. Maybe you'll laugh at more stuff but it's not to a point where it's uncontrollable. You could smoke weed then go to a orchestra concert and enjoy it without making a scene if you really wanted to.

By the way, I know you've heard it a million times but be careful, nicotine is one of the most addictive common drugs out there.

I'm addicted to coffee,
that has caffiene in it right?

Just smoked with my bro to continue on my three day high and my mom is coming home from new york with taco bell.
I'm excited as forget to demolish a ton of tacos.

aaah forget I'm drowning in the saliva of anticipation
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 04:56:10 PM by Littledude »

So the other day me and my boy were at some get together, and we wer both pretty drunk. But he had to drive home, so I caught a ride. He ended up puking out of hos window while going like 85 down the highway. Lmfao
One time I was riding in a cab to the airport to fly back from England to Cali and the guy didn't know were he was going so he kept making all these sharp fast turns and I had only OJ that morning so it didn't sit well and I puked out his window on the freeway haha

If you have a medical card does that give you permission to grow, or do you need a different card?

Chatting with high people on the internet is fun. Not being sarcastic.

Chatting with high people on the internet is fun. Not being sarcastic.

One time I was up in a hiking area right behind my house smoking in the bushes with my friend and it was out of this little bong we had just gotten. I took 5 big rips from it and it hadn't kicked in so we were walking back to my house when all of the sudden I got a sudden head rush like when you stand up fast but it was from the weed. It was extremely intense. It felt like I was asleep but then I wasn't. I had lost my grasp of reality than suddenly realized were I was again. It was the most high I had ever been in my life and it was like 20 times more intense than my first high. If my experience had an /r/ trees rating it would be a [9] if not [10]. My friend told me I kept saying "I am so high oh my god" over and over again. I realized that I had been saying that after I came back to reality haha. We were walking around and it was at night. I seriously felt like I was dreaming or in another planet or both lol. So I started jumping up and down thinking I could fly lol. It was a very awesome experience but it was the next day I got caught and got a whole film canister of the weed I bought from an friend of a friend flushed down the toilet. I called him up and asked him what it was called and he told me it was "Midnight Urkel" haha like Steve Urkel.

what do you want, blunts, joints, pipes, bongs, edibles?

what do you want, blunts, joints, pipes, bongs, edibles?

pfft i dunno, whatever is easiest to hide.