Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 323653 times)

I usually smoke bowls or sometimes my pipe if there's no bong to use/make. Smoke joints every now and then but I really don't get much of a high off them.

Once I emptied half a cigarette's tobacco and stuffed weed inside, it actually worked pretty well.

For me it's bongs > blunts > joints
bongs > vap > bowls > joints > blunts


Finally, a thread I like.

Firstly, I've attached a beautiful picture of some purple weed I got recently.

Secondly, does anyone have any experience with either 4-AcO-DMT or DPT (specifically the HCL). I have several trip reports on both, alone and in combination. I can post them if there is interest.

Thirdly, does anyone here use hard drugs, specifically methamphetamine. I have not used meth in months (The cravings are awful) but have some interest in trying it again, as I recently discovered DPT completely eliminates my cravings for nicotine and DXM, and I feel it is the key to using meth only on occasion.

I do meth every hour

As someone who has done meth, I don't think it is particularly tasteful to joke about consuming hard drugs on a regular basis like this. Even a few days of use can turn into daily use for years without extreme willpower.

Define hard drugs. I've done ecstasy a number of times and I would do coke once or twice should the situation arise, but I wouldn't do meth. I've also taken acid.

Honestly dude, I'm going to have to recommend you just straight out stop smoking meth. Cravings are never good and giving into them, even every once in a while, is never a good thing. Also, I'm not one to use designer drugs. They're simply too dangerous for my tastes, they could have a ton of unknown effects and I most certainly would never use them as a medication (i.e. to combat cravings). I don't see a reason to use them when there are tons of other (well studied) drugs to use instead. The only real benefit is their grey-area legality.

Also, I'm not one to use designer drugs. They're simply too dangerous for my tastes, they could have a ton of unknown effects and I most certainly would never use them as a medication (i.e. to combat cravings). I don't see a reason to use them when there are tons of other (well studied) drugs to use instead. The only real benefit is their grey-area legality.

In my experience, street drugs are usually just as dangerous as their grey-market brown townogues, often because the brown townogues are being sold as the "safer", more well known drug, or the drug is cut with something bad. An example would be the DOx or nBome chemicals being sold as LSD. Or Meth and MDA being sold as "molly". The tryptamines I use my not be comprehensively studied, but they are brown townogues of extremely safe chemicals and are extremely pure. I know exactly what I'm taking and as a result, have tripped well over 50 times without any health consequences. Now if you're talking about a-PvP or 3-Meo-PCP, I can understand your concern.

Also, I have stopped using meth, for several months actually.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 02:13:54 AM by PredatorOoze »

what are yalls opinions on psychedelics as a whole? would you say they're more, less, or just as dangerous as your other hardcore drugs?

ive personally just started looking into them but for some reason cannabis, lsd, and dmt never really struck as much fear in me as cocaine, pcp, and ketamine did. im sure every day use of them could start some nasty habits that may lead to something worse, but using them within moderation - or maybe even just once wouldn't be nearly as dangerous as the other harder stuff wouldn't you say?
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 02:52:30 AM by mod-man »

As far as psychedelics go, tryptamines are fairly safe, though there are some obscure exceptions, and phenethylamines are less safe but not particularly dangerous. Just watch out for the vasoconstriction. And I don't have any experience with ergolines but they are generally safe at recreational doses.

Psychedelics don't generally cause addiction, but can certainly can be habit forming if you have regular access to them, especially large amounts. I've never had any cravings for them, but the experience is intensely desirable and I always seem to find myself tripping on something.

Hallucinogens are the safest class of drug. There's virtually no chemical addiction related to any of them and their LD50s are absurd. Like, to the point where once people railed LSD thinking it was cocaine and got away with no major injuries.

I'm not an expert on designer drugs though so Predator probably knows more about specific chemicals than I do, but as a class they're generally safe.

guys drugs are bad
yes youve said this a number of times now you dont have to say it anymore

Hallucinogens are the safest class of drug. There's virtually no chemical addiction related to any of them and their LD50s are absurd. Like, to the point where once people railed LSD thinking it was cocaine

NO. nBome and DOx chemicals (often sold as "acid") will KILL YOU if you snort them "like cocaine". Phenethylamines can easily cause heart attacks and other complications if abused in large amounts

Yes many hallucinogens are "safer", but you can overdose if you take a hundred or a thousand times the normal dose.