I'll never recommend DXM. The worst drug experience of my life was on DXM. Neither my eyesight nor my sense of balance were at all reliable for detecting how I was standing or moving, resulting in the inability to move anywhere without walking into a wall and falling down. This was coupled with the worst nausea of my life amplified by the most intense spinning sensation I've ever experienced (akin to if you've just spun around in circles a hundred times and then start spinning the other way, the peak part of that is about what I felt constantly) and general discomfort. I was entirely unable to conceal my intoxication from my mother and she just thought I was super drunk. So I had my mother sitting at my bedside while I ran in the general direction of the toilet every ten minutes to throw up.
I guess I should mention that I drank dextromethorphan syrup without acetaminophen, so taking the capsules may help somewhat with the nausea due to lack of an awful taste in your mouth. But yeah, there was just about nothing positive about the experience. No euphorea, no hallucinations, just awfulness.