Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 355293 times)

I was prescribed Prozac for years, but I quit all my meds cold turkey when I was 13. Maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know.

Hmm. When did you start taking the meds? It's possible that as a side effect of taking prozac at a young age while your mind was developing you could have developed low natural levels of CYP2C9 due to its suppression by prozac. I don't know much about child neural development patterns nor pharmacological effects on children, but that sounds like something that could be possible to me. That low ambient level of enzyme would cause marijuana to be metabolized at a much slower rate, resulting in a stronger (and possibly longer lasting) high.

I'd have to look into it to say, though.

It's my birthday someone hook it up with shrooms :) please

You're what? 14 years old or something?
Yeah I am, although just because I got stoned that doesn't mean i frequent smoking, infact I don't smoke that much anyways. Now I am aware of the effects that it can have on a growing brain so that's why I choose to wait until I'm 17 or so. But that's if I want to smoke recreationally anyways.

hey bud im 14 and i've vaped weed countless times and i'm already planning on doing things like MXE and DMT in the next coming year! the generations be changing.
Now I'm not going to turn into an overprotective mom here, but I'm just saying that maybe you should wait a little bit just so you can let your brain develop too. Although doing all these things seems fun and whatnot and it does to me too, but I'm just recommending that you wait a year or two.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 11:50:26 PM by rambo1220 »

Hmm. When did you start taking the meds? It's possible that as a side effect of taking prozac at a young age while your mind was developing you could have developed low natural levels of CYP2C9 due to its suppression by prozac. I don't know much about child neural development patterns nor pharmacological effects on children, but that sounds like something that could be possible to me. That low ambient level of enzyme would cause marijuana to be metabolized at a much slower rate, resulting in a stronger (and possibly longer lasting) high.

I'd have to look into it to say, though.
I was 10 when I was prescribed Prozac. I hardly have any memories of that period of my life.

Happy bday to me and nick

happy bday raven and nick! hope they were gud 1s :)

Now I'm not going to turn into an overprotective mom here, but I'm just saying that maybe you should wait a little bit just so you can let your brain develop too. Although doing all these things seems fun and whatnot and it does to me too, but I'm just recommending that you wait a year or two.
i know a lot about underdevelopment out of the brain as cause to marijuana at a young age, however this won't be the case. i smoke maybe once every two weeks so it's hardly often. i'm very developed for my age, and I have two brothers who are 17 and 16 and they are both straight a students and all 3 of us go to a performing arts school, them for music and me for media arts like painting and graphic design. they started around my age, a little later. they approved of me smoking with them because they thought i was ready/developed enough to take it. marijuana can affect brain development, but not as much as you think. as you do drugs your personality starts to harden on itself, thats why 14 year old punk skateboarders who smoke weed every day still act like 14 year old punk skateboarders when they're 18 years old. my tendencies are hardly premature for my brain development. i know what im doing, my brothers and i are smart about things. we have a $200 vape and are more than responsible in our drug use. you don't know me and i don't know you, so we can't understand this situation fully. i've done my research and as i can tell you have done yours, but i know what im doing.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 12:55:26 PM by Passta Soup »

Idk about that Pass lol

Everything you just said, you're trying to convince a bunch of 17-21 year olds that you know what you're doing. And if you do you obviously have a problem if you're doing drugs at such a young age. No 14 year old can/should be "developed" enough to smoke.

I got caught yesterday my mom randomly drug tested me and that was like the end for me.
She went through all my stuff and found the ecstasy but I told her it was adderall
She also found a bunch of cough syrup and condoms
She thought I was a virgin so she was like super angry and it was just not a fun time for her
anyway now Im grounded as forget

happy birthday raven and nick
hope you have a blast

I got caught yesterday my mom randomly drug tested me and that was like the end for me.
She went through all my stuff and found the ecstasy but I told her it was adderall
She also found a bunch of cough syrup and condoms
She thought I was a virgin so she was like super angry and it was just not a fun time for her
anyway now Im grounded as forget
i am so sorry bubba
i dont know how to help you feel better but yeah

next time i do drugs or drink i will think about you

i was supposed to have a lot of people over friday so we could drink and have fun smoking hookah and i have a really nice pool im sure ive posted pictures of

but this was all with my parents consent

and now theyre going back on their word on my birthday and it makes me mad so i might end up only having like five people over and getting smashed with them which makes me feel bad because more than ten people wont be able to come over now because my parents are having one of their moments

i know a lot about underdevelopment out of the brain as cause to marijuana at a young age, however this won't be the case. i smoke maybe once every two weeks so it's hardly often. i'm very developed for my age, and I have two brothers who are 17 and 16 and they are both straight a students and all 3 of us go to a performing arts school, them for music and me for media arts like painting and graphic design. they started around my age, a little later. they approved of me smoking with them because they thought i was ready/developed enough to take it. marijuana can affect brain development, but not as much as you think. as you do drugs your personality starts to harden on itself, thats why 14 year old punk skateboarders who smoke weed every day still act like 14 year old punk skateboarders when they're 18 years old. my tendencies are hardly premature for my brain development. i know what im doing, my brothers and i are smart about things. we have a $200 vape and are more than responsible in our drug use. you don't know me and i don't know you, so we can't understand this situation fully. i've done my research and as i can tell you have done yours, but i know what im doing.

Now I don't want to let you down here, but it still is not to say that you can ruin your brains development. Science and critical research has proved that, are you telling me that's hokum? I think marijuana is an incredibly interesting drug (I have never done it), and I think it's interesting because it has many beneficial effects and negative effects just as medication would. Only difference is, this is all natural. The notion that marijuana does not effect your memory and/or thinking, is absurd. The strange thing is, you can always tell who is a hardcore stoner by the slow way they talk and process their thoughts.

Also I am not saying that the occasional hit of marijuana or edible of it is dangerous, but when it is not done in moderation - that's when it becomes a problem.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 05:14:22 PM by Caribou »

Now I don't want to let you down here, but it still is not to say that you can ruin your brains development. Science and critical research has proved that, are you telling me that's hokum? I think marijuana is an incredibly interesting drug (I have never done it), and I think it's interesting because it has many beneficial effects and negative effects just as medication would. Only difference is, this is all natural. The notion that marijuana does not effect your memory and/or thinking, is absurd. The strange thing is, you can always tell who is a hardcore stoner by the slow way they talk and process their thoughts.

Also I am not saying that the occasional hit of marijuana or edible of it is dangerous, but when it is not done in moderation - that's when it becomes a problem.

You can also tell who is an armchair idiot that is spewing what he reads online without having any first-hand knowledge or experience of said subject.


You can also tell who is an armchair idiot that is spewing what he reads online without having any first-hand knowledge or experience of said subject.


Are you saying that I should trust a stoners opinion more than a medical researcher?