Author Topic: L4D Comic - 'Triage'  (Read 6233 times)


  • Administrator
Iban, I am not now nor have I ever been under any obligation to personally tutor you in torque script.  I don't know why you would think this.  You seem to have some kind of ongoing rebellion complex here.  I'm sorry that I own the forum and that this makes you feel bad.

I am going to ban you from the forum now.  Again.  That is clearly what you want. 

This will give you a great excuse to claim that I'm a power mad egomaniac or that I can't take criticism, but really I just want to be able to post on my own forum and not be assaulted.  You don't have to kiss my ass to be here, you just have to not directly attack me. 

And this is not even remotely close to the first problem I have had with you so don't try to claim that I banned you because you joked about my comic.  You've been a douche bag to almost everyone, consistently, for years.  You have been banned multiple times before for this exact reason.  You are incapable of change. 

hiphip hooray for ap

Oh, uh, nice comic too... .-.
Lighting seems a little odd, but that's probably just my TV.

In the second panel, her chest looks odd, otherwise nice comic. Goofy is always good.

It's funny because when I was playing with skip and kyzor they killed me becuase they were out of medkits and I had 10 health

I can tell you took the 3 other characters in L4D besides Zoey and made them girls.

I thought because Iban and Bisjac were bros that you were on good terms with him, as all this time I thought your insults towards each other were friendly. :o

Also when I saw the comic I thought of gauze, not toilet paper.

Arguing with the overlord badspot is unwise.

Also, Zoey is now randomly a blonde.

IMO Bill could use a beard, woman or man.

I love the way you go about with the lighting and proportions. I'm going to guess here but you use Photoshop?

...So I heard Iban's a richard.

Also, Zoey is now randomly a blonde.
And that's why she was ignored and almost left for dead (no pun intended)

Thank you badspot for the new team griefing idea!

I dun get it.
Someone explain.

I thought because Iban and Bisjac were bros that you were on good terms with him, as all this time I thought your insults towards each other were friendly. :o

Also when I saw the comic I thought of gauze, not toilet paper.
that means im friends with badspot? awesome lol.
honestly i dont think baddy even likes me.

i go back thinking of all the games ive been in where some random guy playing with me will have like 85% health, and will rush in to use the meds as quick as they can. while the other 3 of us are trailing behind all in black and white. then there will be 1 missing med kit someone had needed ; ;

I dun get it.
Someone explain.
They pretend they are zombies while Zoey is dying.