
What kind of nation are you?

10 (30.3%)
United state
10 (30.3%)
6 (18.2%)
2 (6.1%)
United Kingdom
5 (15.2%)

Total Members Voted: 33

Author Topic: NationStates -- Inactivity is for boring people  (Read 21266 times)

Oh god lol.

Due to the ongoing wars in neighboring countries, a recent rash of illegal immigrants have been caught at the borders of Thetalon, prompting many citizens to call for tighter immigration laws.

3. "Hold on there, hold on people!" says Naki Hendrikson of the Thetalon Broadcasting company, "We don't have to take either extreme, all we have to do is make a TV game show out of it! We put deadly obstacles on the border and monitor it with television cameras! Those that make it across win freedom and citizenship, and those who don't, well, lets just say that our buzzards won't starve. We could call it 'Who Wants to be an Immigrant?'!"

Oh god lol.

In-genius idea to the person who created it.
This is the new world.

Citizens pay a flat income tax of 30%


it isnt even all that high

Blockheads On The Dinner Table?

The Issue

In a bid to provide a new revenue stream for Mexicans and Savadorans's Beef-Based Agriculture industry, it has been suggested that Blockheads could be added to the menu.

The Debate

"The fact is, the Blockhead population is out of control," says Beef-Based Agriculture spokesperson Jack Johnson. "We have to do something about them anyway, so why not market them as tasty snacks? We could have Blockhead kebabs, Blockhead pies, Blockhead-on-a-sticks--the possibilities are endless! Let's not pass up this golden opportunity to provide a feast, if you will, for our economy."

"I agree that something needs to be done about Blockhead over-population," says random passer-by Max Licorish, "but eating them? That's kind of gross. Let's just shoot the ones we have to and shovel their bodies into ditches like normal."

"I am shocked and appalled!" declared SPCA President Elizabeth Hendrikson. "If anyone needs to be culled, it's us humans. The Blockheads were here first, remember? We need to take this as a sign to get our industry--agriculture in particular--to back off. The Blockhead is part of what makes Mexicans and Salvadorans a great nation!"

So which one i should pick?


That's my country. The Black Cox territory is my brother's.



2 hours ago: Ligacy was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Happiest Citizens.
2 hours ago: Ligacy was ranked in the Top 5% of the region for Happiest Citizens.
4 hours ago: Following new legislation in Ligacy, organised sports are frowned upon as frivolous.


17 hours ago: Following new legislation in Enduva, military spending recently hit a new high.
1 day 5 hours ago: Following new legislation in Enduva, a survey of the nation's rivers and children has shown that pesticide levels are at an all-time regional high.
1 day 5 hours ago: Following new legislation in Enduva, the nation's first space rocket -- sponsored by Pepsi and shaped like an enormous soda bottle -- is being developed.

soda rocket

"I'm firmly against the slaughter of dumb animals," says Anne-Marie Trax, while feeding an infant Bear with a milk bottle. "It would be best if the animals didn't die, and hunters could still do what they love to do - how about instead of shooting them or sending vicious canines after them, the hunter runs up to his quarry and gives it a symbolic 'tap' with his hand? Now isn't that much nicer for everyone?"

Thats loving handicapped, IT'S A loving BEAR.

Bump w/ 1337 regional delegates!

Quote from: My Nation
The nation has an international reputation for compassion, the nation is famous for having one of the world's largest Bear hunting institutions,

Finally, my economy is Strong again :D