Author Topic: Suggestions mostly regarding administration  (Read 7365 times)


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toe unstable one is annoying sometimes, because I'll be placing baseplate, to extend the building area over the edge of the ground/table/bed and It wont let me.  But sometimes in real life buildings and such are built half hangingoff cliffs and other why cant I build like that?

Here's a few things for admins I would like to see.

1. A more comprehensive admin menu which can dynamically change server settings on the fly. I downloaded the custom mod and it doesn't work for me =(, plus it would be nice to have it all in one menu, and it ties in with the rest of the suggestions

already is one.  reinstall the IGSO.

2. Server options to allow float/unstable/buried, seperately. Unstable and Buried are especially annoying, preventing things like underground construction on maps with holes. Float I would not use myself (at least not often), but it should exist as an option. If you don't want floating bricks, leave it turned off on your server.

not blocko enough, you cant stick blocks through the floor or make them hover

3. "Too far" distance setting. Sometimes I'm building large-scale and the "too far" check is just a little too small.

this would be nice

4. Option to adjust player jets. I'm not sure why BadSpot is sort of leading us on into figuring out how to do it without even telling us how to set it ourselves; it's actually kind of sadistic ha ha! So yeah, a lot of people think jets are fine and a lot of people want a little more oomph, so a setting would be nice.

jets are fine, get used to it

5. Admin tool to see who owns what blocks, this would help a lot with finding a jerk and banning him. Basically like when a normal user hammers a block and sees "%1 doesn't trust you enough to do that.", a long-range tool that would show an admin, "%1 owns this" would be nice.

it exists, terror made one.  the problem is it only works if the person is in the server.

Thanks for the tip on brick ownership checking.

Aside from that, thanks to Undivided and shocklink10 for continuing to ignore my point and banging your heads against the wall with your party line.

#2 will never happen FYI.

QUICKEDIT: You're probably the only person I've met who wanted it. Other than Zor but he doesn't count.

Didn't read much of the topic, but regarding #5-

I think Badspot did this to decrease lag... I don't know how to explain it...
When you go away from a brick it isn't rendered on your computer (or something), so if you were to be able to build like 512 spaces away, your computer would need to recognize all the bricks in that area or something, causing lag because of so much rendering.

As for the 'not blocko enough' excuses for floating etc.- Blocko isn't real. These errors don't bother me, but I do hate the unstable one. You can place a 64x64 plate on a 1x1 tower, but can't have it 3 spaces off the bed, if you wanna talk unrealism...

#2 will never happen FYI.

QUICKEDIT: You're probably the only person I've met who wanted it. Other than Zor but he doesn't count.
This is incorrect.  I've posted in favor of floating bricks before, as have others.  It's in a thread somewhere, but I don't have time to search for it now.  Due to this not being the place, I won't get into anymore than that.  Just pointing out that he's not the only one who wants floating bricks.  Mouser X over and out.

I used to be pro-floating, build through, and all that stuff, but I got used to it. I still think it would be useful, but not necessary.

everything is fine the way is currently is. Also, i used to be for the turning off of the "too far" thing, but after having barely escaped three deadly spam attacks on my servers, i have realized that if the "too far" thing wasnt there, not only would more lag result, but it would be much easier to spam. So, in fact, my only problem is that two things be addressed in the next patch.... plz looky badspot...

1) When youre in a server, and its still loading the datablocks, if you are typing right when you spawn, your current sentence being typed is just swept away, and you cant even press up to pull it back to the type line. Plz fix this so that your typing isnt interrupted while spawning plz. somehow.
2) Make a mute option plz! sometimes, people who i need/want on my servers for whatever reason just dont understnad something or wont shut up at the right times, and so a mute function would be a nice admin feature to have. Something where you can press a mute button, then pick a name from a list of all players on the server, then type the number of minutes to mute the selected person. itd be veyr nice.

He won't make a mute function, but I think RTB (if nobody else) will make an ignore function.

5. isnt this already included? if you hit a brick with the wrench, at the very top of the wrench menu (above the grayed-out brick message box) it gives both the bricks "null" number and the owner of the brick (unless its a music or vehicle brick).

#2 will never happen FYI.

QUICKEDIT: You're probably the only person I've met who wanted it. Other than Zor but he doesn't count.

nope. i dont want #2. if youre thinking about my server with the floating/overlapping bricks, i only did that because i could. id never use these techniques for any serious builds. the part about me not counting is, however, correct. no one read this post.

Ok, I have no idea why you guys absolutely hate #2. HELLO! WHAT HAVE WE BEEN PLAYING THE LAST 2 YEARS!? A GAME WITH FLOATING AND UNDERGROUND BRICKS! Honestly. I have been going around the forums and whenever someone mentions more jet power or floating bricks, they get shot with a flood of flamers. No wonder Bleh left BL. He was flamed to death. People have a right to freedom of speech, they can say "I want floating bricks" without being shot by flamers. You all turned from nice guys to a bunch of hypocrites because you all used to play BL Vanilla which had all of this.

As for the ideas, Their awesome, and if no one makes, I will take it upon myself to make it. No matter what you all say.

As for #2 Its an option, you guys probably will never want it, but its nice to have the OPTION! Jesus... Christ.

Now I wanna add a #6, The ability to freeze oneself in air, (I.E. q key from RtB) because it can make building towers easier and if you fall you can q yourself and jet back up.

#7 A friends list that can send private messages to people on different servers(could be done through IRC?)

1529op, Vanilla Blockland Didn't have floating bricks. Floating bricks were part of the mods which took the floating bricks script out as an on-off setting. We dislike #2 because we don't want such horrible physics in Blockland and because #2 is poop

Edit: cncwarlord is posting here now
Edit2: cncwarlord has posted here now
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 02:05:37 AM by Rolland »

I agree on 1529p's opinions about the buried bricks
and also, this whole "blocko" thing is getting extreme, *many have gone over badspots head with this in my opinion and are becoming quite fascist, reminding me greatly of national socialists.

(and Rolland why does it matter that im posting here?)

I'm bored and you were the only one posting at the time :(

You get the point anyway. It just doesn't make sense. Most of our builds relied on EW's, floating bricks, underground bricks, faster jets, movers, and other things and now we abandon that whole base and move to this version, then like savages, flame anyone who wants to go back. I'm sorry, but this has GOT TO STOP!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 02:47:26 AM by 1529op »