Author Topic: ID recorder  (Read 2924 times)

Well everyone knows that there are CERTAN individuals who go into empty servers and mess stuff up. I thing someone should make something that records the name,id of person,# of bricks smashed and number of bricks made.

I think that the ID thing would be a good idea, but the bricks made/smashed would be excessive, as a person might just be building something complex or stay on for a long time and make/destroy lots of bricks simply in the process of building.

blockland would lag/crash/kill your com/make 5 gig files if we had this


  • Guest
text document that is altered.

#of bicks:...
#of bricks smashed:...

it would stay saved until the next time you load blockland...

text document that is altered.

#of bicks:...
#of bricks smashed:...

it would stay saved until the next time you load blockland...
every user in blockland
every bricks
constant updating?

Fox has a point. It should be kept to a minimum, just name - id - time joined - time left.

In case anyone forgot this:
I have a client-side script that will log everyone's BL ID and Name on every server I go to, so the list is constantly updating itself and adding more records. I would give it out so that everyone could participate in building a list of names, but I think people would cheat and haxx it so it submits ID 100 to have had the name "richardface" or something. You can't trust people.

I'll put the list up later if you guys want it.
In other words, such an addon is entirely possible, and I see no reason why it'd lag anything.  The game is already doing all the work that you want this addon to do.  It'd just need to log it, instead of not logging it.  Worst case scenario is that it can't add up the bricks laid and destroyed.  In this case, simply have it record, to a text file, a mark every time a brick is laid, and every time a brick is destroyed.  When you close the server/game, it could, at that time, tally up all the marks, and then record that result to the logged text file.

I'm not a programmer, in that I don't know C, or C++.  But I have been using computers long enough to find it hard to believe that this script would cause serious problems on a server.  If I'm mistaken, then I'll admit to being wrong.  But currently, I can't think of any good reason why this addon would cause a problem.

Anyway, I just thought you'd like to know that half the work is already done for such an addon.  It might not be posted (and won't be, for reasons he stated above), but it certainly exists.  Mouser X over and out.

Its very possible to get all the IDs that entered and at what time. I have no ide about bricks placed/smashed though.

text document that is altered.

#of bicks:...
#of bricks smashed:...

it would stay saved until the next time you load blockland...
every user in blockland
every bricks
constant updating?
You're an idiot, you have no notion of file sizes. Just go ahead and open notepad, try to make a 1mb file.

If you got everyone's name, ID, Total bricks placed and destroyed, of everyone on retail, the filesize would add up to roughly 30k. That's nothing.

Ephi is right, I made a small ID system (You are added optionally) and so far it's about 1kb. :P

Yeah, Ephialtes and Aloshi beat me to it, but text files are really small.

Just to test it, I created a mock-up log.

The attached text contains 917 entries and is only 18.8kb big!