Author Topic: i'm looking for a clan  (Read 3063 times)

im looking for a clan that does a little bit of everything. a clan that haves wars with other clans, does death matches, and haves building contests with other clans. oh, yeah. and it has to be a clan that allows noobs, because im a noob.

and it has to be a clan that allows noobs, because im a noob.
Well, The first part of fixing it, is admitting to it. ;)
Nah, I'm kidding.

Clans don't have wars, just petty squabbles.

well anyways, im looking for a clan. so clan owners, if you want me to join you, post now, and i just may join! :cookieMonster:

I'm sure MotE would let you join, they have lots of beginners noobs in there.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 02:56:34 PM by Terror »

I'm not sure MotE would let you join, I'm also a beginner noob.
don't you mean that?

Please Die, Terror. Half of my freinds are in MotE.

MotE is cool... i would apply for it but i ahve a short attention span and thusly only finish 1/10 builds i start (and only start 1/50 that i think about).... also theres the fact that i would have to leave OS and USB

I will never leave PPT or RTBMM no matter what.

Where is a sign up topic for this "MotE" clan?

I haves wars with other clan.

I haves building contests with other clans. :cookieMonster: