Author Topic: Sleep is death  (Read 608 times)

Sleep Is Death is a game where there are two players that are controlling opposite sides of a story. One character controls one character and another character controls all the scenery and other character's responses to this character. It's available for a "name your price" dealy (with a minimum of $1.75) over at

I'd really like to play someone, so if someone owns this and would like to play that'd be great.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2011, 08:47:34 PM by Sirrus »

i would if you gave me a copy of it

Nice information, tought this was an all-nighter challenge or something.

Change topic or make intro plz?

Okay, OP is slightly more helpful.

I might be able to play sometime.

The "Name Your Price" feature is pointless; it's not like anybody is going to be paying any more than the absolute minimum for this game.

The "Name Your Price" feature is pointless; it's not like anybody is going to be paying any more than the absolute minimum for this game.
I paid $5 for it, because I wanted to pitch in a little bit because this guy is brilliant and I want to support him even in minor ways.

The "Name Your Price" feature is pointless; it's not like anybody is going to be paying any more than the absolute minimum for this game.

Lol, says who?

sirrus that was a FUN GAME BRO

I don't get it, what is it?