Author Topic: New Being Disrespectful to the Old  (Read 3876 times)

ID 258 and the only disrespect I feel is no one appreciating a good, clean, old fashioned freebuild anymore.

That's odd because I feel like no one appreciates a good, clean, old fashioned deathmatch anymore.

I could be considered middle aged at ID 13841. Newer members tend to be stupid, but they learn the rules gradually and pick up on etiquette. Newer players stick to rp servers, just don't visit rps and you won't need to deal with them.

I could be considered middle aged at ID 13841. Newer members tend to be stupid, but they learn the rules gradually and pick up on etiquette. Newer players stick to rp servers, just don't visit rps and you won't need to deal with them.
So much stereotype that I am starting to think you are a complete idiot.

So much stereotype that I am starting to think you are a complete idiot.
I wish I could be naive and say I was stereotyping.

I am brand new but dont worry, I am respectable and don't listen to anything Rockslide says about me, he likes to ruin my reputation wherever I go

I love how "Old members" expect "respect" for being "old".
Just because you've been a member longer doesn't make you any more special than one another.

But that's just my opinion.

I'm one of the new(er) members here, 24949. I've seen quite alot for the few months I've been here. It isn't easy to get respect from some of the older members.

Often when I come to a server, people around BLID 1000 start acting like:
"Stfu, noob" "You don't know what you're talking about" or "Look at me, I'm awesome cause my ID is low"
When some of them come to my server (by accident, probably), and I have built something somewhat nice, they automatically asume I stole it somewhere. When I tell them I haven't, they ask me why I don't play on my low ID account. -_-

There are of course alot of helpful low-id'ers out there too, but many are ignorant and prejudging.

I remember v8. Good times.
Then came v9 over the horizon.
loving ID explosion.

My ID was 4391.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2011, 05:08:47 PM by HellHound »

I don't care so much that it was a high ID person, but on a couple occasions I've had such people act so boisterously and so obnoxiously, even demanding outright that I do certain things their way, upon my own server, and personally, I just don't care for that lack of respect from a person to myself, who has been hosting something for them to play on.

But oddly, for a large majority of the time, it is higher ID'd players who act in such a spoilt and deserving manner against me for no reason over than the fact that perhaps they want something done slightly differently on my server.
Maybe it's just the fact that most other people who question what I am doing, or ask for a change nicely, tend to be players who I have known for a long time, and therefore lower-end ID's, but there's still no reason for such arrogance and agressiveness towards someone a game, especially to someone who has taken the time to go and build a large construction and set it up so others can play on it.

I came into this thread expecting it to be about real life, which I was going to say

"I conversed nicely with an old man walking down the sidewalk just the other day >:O"

But yes, Lots of newer members always disrespect me in my server, but I don't think the problem is them knowing we have played for a long time, considering your ID is hidden by default for new members. It's just idiots being idiots i guess.

Speaking as one of the older members, I can say that newer ones aren't really disrespectful to me.
Hell, come to think of it, I can't recall any older members that are disrespectful to me.
scratch that, I just remembered I have a 9K ID.
CHRIST there was some serious hate going on during that time period.

ID 258 and the only disrespect I feel is no one appreciating a good, clean, old fashioned freebuild anymore.
I remember a awesome freebuild, called "Jalek-yle's", remember Eithan's or Evan's Serious Freebuild?

Oh stuff, I bumped, sorry. Went into drama and saw this. Thought I'll post, anyway.

i dislike most of the older members. they are even more likely to host boring servers.

I'm 5357 and people hate me :(

ID 258 and the only disrespect I feel is no one appreciating a good, clean, old fashioned freebuild anymore.
'That's normally the only thing I host :o