Author Topic: Blockland Wish List  (Read 7280 times)

Blockland.exe -noconsole
Sweet, I never would've known this.

How bout a constuction dozer where the thing in front goes up and down
Not for digging just for joy rides and whatnot! :cookieMonster:

Here is my wish for Blockland: tons of new bricks.

the reason (I think ) that there is not a ton of new bricks is that blockland shouldn't copy some of the lego bricks...  although they have the classic 2x4 brick

but some more window bricks would do niceley.

Mics in Blockland? Seems useful. Better Physics.

                        a working king of the hill dm mod that allows for one time spawning on certain spawn points, random team assigning with limited members per team, varying numbers of members per team (like a 2 on 4 match) , varying weapons on each team, team spawns...and if you kill the king/one of the kings, you become one and they become an assassin again.  and you cant kill people on your own team.  (i hope i explained that enough)

hmmm that sounds like a good idea and it would be as simple as making a special KOTH brick (King Of The Hill)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 10:12:48 PM by Supreme Commander »

I am into making rockets so i think someone should make a larger round like 4x4 round or 8x8 round!

More X-Treme stuff
I want to have some freakin fun.

i would like to add that i use a laptop indeed but at least i can play the game
please, dont complain about using a laptop... if i can deal with it, you can to...
i agree i use a laptop and the only set back is that I can't set up internet servers but that doesn't really matter cause I perfer to just build alone on 1player servers

i agree i use a laptop and the only set back is that I can't set up internet servers but that doesn't really matter cause I perfer to just build alone on 1player servers

Same, I cant evn join internet servers! I hope someone finds out how to make it work...
« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 10:19:49 AM by ThePreecher »

blockland needs more starting levelsand zombie mod v9

ooohhh. a ninja mode....were you can climb up walls have a grapple hook and do cool ninja stuff!
also more curve bricks
and a 1x1x5 water brick
« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 07:48:33 PM by Bind »

1: More avatar options (new hands would be nice..... OOOH and hats hats would be awsome (chef hat plz?)
2: umm... maps maps are always cool
3: i know everyone wants it the RETURN TO BLOCKLAND mod :D *cant wait* 
4:umm........ i cant think of anything elese this game is just awsome ;D

I think it would be awesome if each map had a night time map um........ oooh no what would be cool a brick that would be like a timer cus i love RPG and i hate have to change bedroom to bedroom  night  so you could set it to when it it will turn mornig to night and you could set it to when it will change i think this would be cool for medevil builds uh more maps cus i think slopes was a waste of maps i say they   should of made a map  were half oof it is a huge sea and other half just plain grass ok thes are my ideas please tell me if you like my ideas thank for your time. oh and p.s.        more freedom on your avatar opsins