Total Members Voted: 45
Teir tactical will be fine, we may change the ammo system (If there is) later though.So, Im thinking of making a Testing Facility for these weapons. I dunno if I should make it look like Rapture, Coulumbia, or some other type of theme.Suggestions?
Yeah, i noticed that to. Elizabeth can kick ass! :D
Colombia is really cool. I can start a theme build tomorrow as I was going to anyways
Great :D I'll be on around 11pm PST tomorrow. Summer School :I
I don't get home until 5:30 - 6:00 pm cst. Work :I
I am finished with High School and am procrastinating getting into College.
Idea get!Elizabeth playertype:Invulnrable to any damage.Can only use magic powers/melee attacksFires a beam at certian bricks to start an eevnt (OnTearhit>Self>SpawnItem>SniperRifle)Everytime Magic or tears are opened HP is drained.
She's vulnerable. She kicks guys in the groin. She would fire a raycast at special white bricks with blink FX that make them collision and have weapon spawn on them. She'd have a special Tear healthbar, and if it runs out (which it can fast) it eats at her health.
Hmm, well could you post a pic when your done? I'll add it to the OP.Btw Im gonna try the bioshock 2 shotgun, since it looks easier to make.
Fallout shotgun: