Author Topic: Blockland Shuts Down Automatically On Bootup  (Read 1719 times)

If the GPU can't be initialized by a game engine, the game will crash as it will not have anything to display.

Double Toast: That download should've worked, I'll see if I can fix it.

Triple Toast: Click the first link here, it seems the AMD website doesn't allow direct linking and generates download cookies that expire.

I too have had this error. Take "System_ReturnToBlockland" Out of the add-ons folder and it works fine.
Shall i post a video about how to do this or can you handle it?
[/quote]Tiny words, and Mega-cluttered computer dude!

I too have had this error. Take "System_ReturnToBlockland" Out of the add-ons folder and it works fine.
Shall i post a video about how to do this or can you handle it?

Oh god but he wants RTB!
And yes post a video.. just in case.

Triple Toast: Click the first link here, it seems the AMD website doesn't allow direct linking and generates download cookies that expire.
Which package doess he download

Ok I'll go get a video
Edit, Have you tried taking "System_ReturnToBlockland" Out of the folder?

Which package doess he download
Click the first link here[/size], it seems the AMD website doesn't allow direct linking and generates download cookies that expire.

Did you even read my post? Click the first DL link. The first button that says "Download". The "Download" button that appears highest on the page.

Issue resolved, locking. Also to Block Cop, you can actually
1: Take RTB out
2: run BL
3: Exit
4:Put it back in
5: Have that work as a PERMANENT Solution!!! WOOT