
What should be next?

Endless War Campaigns
Improved Graveyard TDM
Spec Ops Mission (Idea totally NOT copied from Rykutas!)
Elemental Arenas
Bot Fiyt
Stop getting so ahead of yourself and finish this one

Author Topic: RedGaijin's High Class TDM [This is Dead.]  (Read 5636 times)

That's right, folks, after hours of work, and even more hours of not working, I have finally decided to release this.

What Is This?

Shoot at your friends! In a city! Complete with objectives! Guns! Bigger guns! Classes! And MORE! But not really that much more.
The premise of the game is for The Nefarious to take over the city. This is done by capturing all control points in the city, and therefore blocking of the The Liberals spawn points. There are also other advantages to holding control points, such as turning off the power for the city.
The Liberals have the city, therefore its better defended. But don't worry, the teams have been evened out accordingly.

The Build
The original build was not made by me. I do not know who its made by, I got it back in V7. Keep in mind this build has been extremely modified and added on too.. Maybe someone else can point me in the right direction... I do give partial credit to this man/woman for there awesome build. I will post the original build up sooner or later.


The Liberals
What happens when men with guns come at unarmed people
Weapons: Fists
Perks: Speedy [+Speed]
Points Needed: None, default

You have been working all day and then those people with guns just come running at you. The nerve!
Weapons: Modified TF2 Wrench
Perks: Speedy [+Speed]
Points Needed: 2

Bring Justice to this city!
Weapons: Covert Pistol (T+T)
Perks: None
Points Needed: 3

Gaurd Class 1
Keep those bugger's out!
Weapons: Submachine Gun, Modern Pistol
Perks: Tough Skin [+20 Health]
Points Needed: 6

Camper n00b...
Weapons: Toolkit Rifle, Controller
Perks: Low health (not really a perk...)
Points Needed: 12

Prepare to get SUBDUERNATED
Weapons: Pistol A., Flash grenade x3, Shovel
Perks: Big Boned [+50 Health! -20 Speed!]
Point's Needed: 8

Guard Rank 2
Nice promotion there.
Weapons: Modern SMG, Pistol
Perks: Light Kevlar [+30 Health!]
Point's Needed: 10

Explosive Expert
Weapons: Nerfed GL, Frag Grenade x2, Bonesaw
Perks: You get explosives...
Points needed: 12

Think of it as the same thing as being a mother, but with guns.
Weapons: Drum LMG, Ammo Pile x2, Pepperbox
Perks: Able to distribute ammo
Points Needed: 20

Not just some fat guy that rules over a town, he's a fat guy with a sniper rifle!
Weapons: Military Sniper, Pepperbox
Perks: None
Points Needed: 20

Things are getting serious!
Weapons: Bullpup Tactical, Semi-Auto Magnum, Conc. Grenade
Perks: Pr0 [You got the highest class in the game! Kewl, bro!]
Points Needed: 30

Now, this will only hurt a little, and I wouldn't be too optimistic about living, either.
Weapons: Machine Pistol, Pill x3
Perks: Can heal people
Points Needed: 15

The Nefarious

Umad bro? Wait, is that a knife?
Weapons: Kukuri
Perks: Speedy [+20 Speed]
Points needed: None

*sniff* Geez, when was the last time you took a shower?
Weapon: Bottle
Perks: None
Points Needed: 2

Thug life forever.
Perks: None
Points Needed: 3

Weapons: Pump Shotty
Perks: None
Points Needed: 6

Crazy Guy With An Axe
Tell me again WHY you would pick this class?
Weapons: Fire Axe
Perks: Super Speed [+40 Speed]
Points Needed: 5

Ey way!
Weapons: Pepperbox, Concussion Grenade
Perks: He's cholo.
Points Needed: 7

Gangster Rank 2
Come get some.
Weapons: Submachine Gun, Concussion Grenade
Perks: None
Points Needed: 10

Our way is True!
Weapons: Replica Rifle, Frag Grenade, Stick Grenade x2
Perks: None
Points Needed: 15

Did you bring the money? No? Shame, those were some nice kneecaps...
Weapons: Drum LMG, Snubnose
Perks: None
Points Needed: 20

I don't care man, I'm just in it for the cash.
Weapons: Crossbow, Kukuri
Perks: None
Points Needed: 20

Drug Dealer
I swear man, it isn't mine!
Weapons: Fire Axe, Pill x3
Perks: Can heal
Points Needed: 16

Drug Lord
You. Will. Obey.
Weapons: Golden LMG
Perks: ... Run
Points Needed: 30

Mostly everything: RedGaijin
Original build: A man/woman I love long time.
All those people that made the weapons I'm using.
HikerBob for his (helpful) ideas
Host, if he/she ever comes back...
Testers, if they ever come back...

Reserve your place in a team NOW! When you join, you will always be put onto this team unless it makes it uneven by more then one person!
The Nefarious:

The Liberals:

Server Host  [Server host is half taken as of now. Apply for your spot now. If you apply for this spot, you will be placed as acting server host. If the host does not respond within the next day, you will be applied as permanent server host.]:
Tester's [Server testers are half taken as of now. Apply for your spot now. If you apply for this spot, you will be placed as acting server beta-tester. If the testers does not respond within the next day, you will be applied as permanent server tester.]:
Brian_Smith (Talked to me in-game)
Robo (the cholo, lol)
rooster767 (lol, I posted the wrong name first, sorry Roost.


Frequently Asked Questions that have never been asked! Amazing!
(Not really)Q: Classes are clearly unbalanced, fix or this sucks
A: No. They are not. If I find they are once played in game, I will fix them. Until then, play the server to give an actual opinion.

Q:Can I have admin?
A: No, admin will only be given to (maybe) testers and people I already have admin'd.

Q: Can I help?
A: Most likely not. There might be exceptions though.

Q: The game is too repetitive, add more stuff.
A: More stuff will be added as time goes on. Please have patience.

Q:When will the server be up?
A: When my host can host. If I find his/her times unacceptable, he/she will be removed from hosting, and the spot will be opened.

Q: Is the build  completely finished?
A:No, most certainly not. For one, the spawn room looks horrible.

Q:What will be added?
A: View the 'To Do' list below!

Q:This doesn't look like you really worked hard on it...
A:Then provide suggestions of how it could look better. As for just saying it looks horrible, you are unhelpful to this post, and I would request that you post an idea.

To Do!
Make a motor pool!
Make a better spawn room!
Add more classes!
More advanced point system!
Finish modifying scripts of certain weapons/items!
Stop writing down ideas and actually doing them!

I accept constructive criticism! Give me feedback, if you want something, ask. Most likely wont be happen. Unless its good. Server will be up as soon as I establish permanent host.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 03:17:25 AM by RedGajin »

Thanks for the good replies.

Sure, you have been added.

I don't know, it doesn't look like a very synergetic map.
Is there an objective? Also for 12 classes, will some be only slightly different than another?

I don't know, it doesn't look like a very synergetic map.Sorry, don't know what that means. You mean teamwork, or something?
Is there an objective?The map was originally made to be just a TDM, but I also have a Siege and capture mode set up.
Also for 12 classes, will some be only slightly different than another?No, the classes are each pretty uniqe, I will post them all when I feel like it.

There's places that are rather crowded and places that are rather open. If there really isn't an objective, you'll see classes camping in certain areas. Also it looks a bit small.
Also, what classes? Usually with that many you'll find an imbalance in weapons, not limited to differences between types, but rather people including something like the Repeater Gun by Jaydee and another class having something rather weak as their primary such as Hata's Mac-10.
There's always about one or two classes that nearly everyone chooses, having obvious advantages/easy to use, so watch out about that.

There's places that are rather crowded and places that are rather open. If there really isn't an objective, you'll see classes camping in certain areas. Also it looks a bit small.
Also, what classes? Usually with that many you'll find an imbalance in weapons, not limited to differences between types, but rather people including something like the Repeater Gun by Jaydee and another class having something rather weak as their primary such as Hata's Mac-10.
There's always about one or two classes that nearly everyone chooses, having obvious advantages/easy to use, so watch out about that.
The game mostly uses Tier+Tactical (sorry to you Bushi haters out there), TF2 melee set (Bushi's makes the game too easy). And there is also a point system, so people don't start with miniguns. The two starting classes have fists and a bottle. Only problem is when people join in the middle of the game. I have to say that and the shotgun are the only two problems.
The game is small so, 1. people with melee weapons can get kills (there's some very confusing buildings), and 2. because I'm lazy. I can safely say that there are no overpowered weapons, I tested them all. As for camping, I made dumpsters that you can hide in that kinda welcomes camping.
Christ, I should post this on the main post.

The game mostly uses Tier+Tactical (sorry to you Bushi haters out there), TF2 melee set (Bushi's makes the game too easy). And there is also a point system, so people don't start with miniguns. The two starting classes have fists and a bottle. Only problem is when people join in the middle of the game. I have to say that and the shotgun are the only two problems.
The game is small so, 1. people with melee weapons can get kills (there's some very confusing buildings), and 2. because I'm lazy. I can safely say that there are no overpowered weapons, I tested them all. As for camping, I made dumpsters that you can hide in that kinda welcomes camping.
Christ, I should post this on the main post.
That sounds fine, but TF2 melee is really underpowered.
35 damage per hit and it has significant delay after clicking. In TF2 they do more damage and cover a wide area around your player for much better accuracy.
Also, there is really no point in using fists, bottle, and other weapons except the bat because there is no real difference between them. Try the TF2 butterfly knife, Eyelander, those are unique for what you're doing.
Without an objective, campers may usually win, as you can't kill them without going to where they are and killing gets you points.
With an objective, they can't really do that.
Points system may make the better players even better or make the people who stay in the longest better, I don't really like that. However, a capture system for weapons is a fine idea. Capture this point, get tier 2 or something. Then you can add another objective as a boost.
Avoid the RPG and Grenade Launcher with ammo piles until they get their TF2-esque fix; keep ammo at 0 or 1, because even with one ammo, they're generally better than your hand grenades.

That sounds fine, but TF2 melee is really underpowered. 35 damage per hit and it has significant delay after clicking. In TF2 they do more damage and cover a wide area around your player for much better accuracy. I edited the script myself so they are better, but not too good.
Also, there is really no point in using fists, bottle, and other weapons except the bat because there is no real difference between them. Try the TF2 butterfly knife, Eyelander, those are unique for what you're doing.I hate the Eyelander. The classes are supposed to even each other out to some extent, I would have the fists and the bottle be the same weapon, but its mostly for looks.
Without an objective, campers may usually win, as you can't kill them without going to where they are and killing gets you points. With an objective, they can't really do that. Ok, that is a good point. I'll try to come up with some objectives. There are already are some slight side missions that mess up the other teams ability to fight and stuff, but I should make those more drastic.
Points system may make the better players even better or make the people who stay in the longest better, I don't really like that. However, a capture system for weapons is a fine idea. Capture this point, get tier 2 or something. Then you can add another objective as a boost. I like how you think, but holy Jesus, that's a lot. I'll do that once I finish the basics for this version.
Avoid the RPG and Grenade Launcher with ammo piles until they get their TF2-esque fix; keep ammo at 0 or 1, because even with one ammo, they're generally better than your hand grenades.Don't worry, all I have are concussion grenades (hell when you're in a building), and a modified GL.

Smexy Hmmm yes hmmmm
« Last Edit: June 20, 2011, 10:04:05 PM by RedGajin »

I could host too. I might not be able to do dedicated, but I could still host.
Let me test my dedicated server.