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Author Topic: RedGaijin's High Class TDM [This is Dead.]  (Read 5707 times)

Looks ok I guess.

EDIT: never mind looks awful.

I just looked at the classes, and it would be incredibly boring to play as a civilian. Sounds really unbalanced.

If you really do want to make upgrades, you need to somehow balance it out - either make the upgrades REALLY REALLY SMALL or give the lowest class some sort of special ability that allows them to easily take down some of the higher classes.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 06:39:39 PM by cucumberdude »

Sounds good, I'll see how it goes when you play it
A few more things

Medics throwing pills at people is annoying
Support throwing ammo piles is also annoying
Guard Rank 2 has no real benefit except +10 health, SMG skins are the exact same except for the longer ranged Classic and Silenced and the pistols don't vary too much except silenced and covert

Since no other class uses light rifle, go ahead and bump up the ammo limit in the coding of T+T.
Try the Medic's TF2 Medigun, it'll work well. But the pills aren't a completely bad thing, its good for the medic to heal himself.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 07:05:41 PM by HikerBob »

Looks ok I guess.

EDIT: never mind looks awful.

I just looked at the classes, and it would be incredibly boring to play as a civilian. Sounds really unbalanced.

If you really do want to make upgrades, you need to somehow balance it out - either make the upgrades REALLY REALLY SMALL or give the lowest class some sort of special ability that allows them to easily take down some of the higher classes.
Yeah, I just added it so that the lower classes are faster. And due to the fact that there are multiple objectives, lower classes are just runner's. When you complete the  objectives, you get points. I thought this through, don't worry.

Sounds good, I'll see how it goes when you play it
A few more things

Medics throwing pills at people is annoying /agree
Support throwing ammo piles is also annoying I hate placing ammo drops everywhere, it just annoys me.
Guard Rank 2 has no real benefit except +10 health, SMG skins are the exact same except for the longer ranged Classic and Silenced and the pistols don't vary too much except silenced and covert Modern actually has a slight damage increase, but shoot slower then the others. So, Yes, I agree, it should be changed. Pistols do vary, Modern is the weakest of them all, Pistol can shoot the fastest.

Since no other class uses light rifle, go ahead and bump up the ammo limit in the coding of T+T. I agree with that, since ammo is will be hard to get.
Try the Medic's TF2 Medigun, it'll work well. But the pills aren't a completely bad thing, its good for the medic to heal himself. I think what I'll actually do is make it so the med-pack heals other players, not the user.
Thanks for the feedback again.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 02:14:49 AM by RedGajin »

Triple Post. But this is for HUGE UPDATE!

Have you read the T+T script for the weapons? You'll know then, don't look just on the feel, but yeah, the pistols do vary slightly. Regular is the weakest actually.

Mercenary looks somewhat weak, and hobo is a downgrade from mob unless bottle is better than kukri.
What does golden LMG do?
Cholo looks like a weakling, pepperbox does very little damage and is used as a finisher.
Gangster Rank 2 isn't exactly better than Gangster Rank 1.

Also at the above, instead of support throwing ammo for themselves, try boosting the ammo limit to the guns from tier 1 script. Ask me if you need help.
You may want to decrease grenade max ammo also, should grenade launcher people get a hold on ammo piles.

When do you want me to host?

Have you read the T+T script for the weapons? You'll know then, don't look just on the feel, but yeah, the pistols do vary slightly. Regular is the weakest actually.

Mercenary looks somewhat weak, and hobo is a downgrade from mob unless bottle is better than kukri. Yeah, the weapon scripts still need to be edited, and the civilian and mob class will most likley be replaced with the worker and hobo class.
What does golden LMG do? Looks cool. Will have increased damage. If you look up pictures of giant drug busts, you'll see that every gun is pretty much golden.
Cholo looks like a weakling, pepperbox does very little damage and is used as a finisher. Indeed. Might fix that.
Gangster Rank 2 isn't exactly better than Gangster Rank 1. Forgot to put increased health. I might change the gun.

Also at the above, instead of support throwing ammo for themselves, try boosting the ammo limit to the guns from tier 1 script. Ask me if you need help. As a matter of fact, the RTB prefrences has an option where you can change starting ammo, and if the player drops ammo on death. So support unit might be changed.
You may want to decrease grenade max ammo also, should grenade launcher people get a hold on ammo piles. Luckily (and unluckily), the ammo script messed up on the whole Tier 1 pack, so the grenade is only one shot. Because of that, I might also give him a pistol instead of a melee weapon.
Again, thanks for the comments and suggestions.

When do you want me to host?
Um. Now, if you can. I won't be able to stay on, I have to leave  in a few, but I can come on and load up the build.

I'll try hosting my dedicated server. If I can't then i'll tell you when my normal server is up.

I'll try hosting my dedicated server. If I can't then i'll tell you when my normal server is up.
Ok, I won't be back on for about 3 hours in a couple of minuets. If you can't get it up by then, don't bother trying to until later tonight.

Wait, i'm starting my normal server so that my dedicated will know what add-ons to load. You can just load the build there then I can start it on my dedicated.

Server up and called Legodude77's Test
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 02:40:51 PM by Legodude77 »

Again, thanks for the comments and suggestions.
Sounds good. RTB levels off at approx. 250 ammo so if you want more (ammo piles are refills), boost the limit.
Also, unless there's a sort of points reset, people with the top tiers will keep using that for a long time depending on how long they stay.

Sounds good. RTB levels off at approx. 250 ammo so if you want more (ammo piles are refills), boost the limit.
Also, unless there's a sort of points reset, people with the top tiers will keep using that for a long time depending on how long they stay.
Odang, forgot to put the objectives in, didn't I? Once the Nefarious capture all control points, the Liberals lose. Each time a control point is taken, depending on location, the Liberals lose a spawn point.