Author Topic: What supplies would you bring in a Zombie Apocalypse?  (Read 27976 times)

Sure, nearly everything would attract zombies, but let's think about this:
-Firearms can have silencers attatched
-If zombies do scream when killed, muzzle them as you do so
-If you don't do covert, then these things can be used to your advantage. For exaple, you could throw a molotov down the street and then use that discraction as a chance to escape.

1. Firearms are still rather loud even with a silencer and would still attract nearbyish zombies, of course you're only expirence of silencers is probably from video games where the guns go 'pew' at the sound of a whisper when you shoot them.
2. How the bloody hell do you individualy silence zombies when hordes of them are trying to kill you? That would get you killed.
3. Or you could just kill all the zombies with it and get on with your life.

Left 4 dead zombies =/= How zombies would be IRL
You describe zombies in a way they behave in a very popular videogame.
I think you mean the ones in the videogame.
I am a stupid forget.
The reason I called you a stupid forget, as said before in the post, was because you were making a biased argument, trying to say I am talking about zombies in a popular video game, so L4D made zombies attracted to loud noises? Really? forget off, L4D didn't make zombies.

I have only played 1 campaign of L4D, I don't like it.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 05:23:21 PM by Slugger »

1. Firearms are still rather loud even with a silencer and would still attract nearbyish zombies, of course you're only expirence of silencers is probably from video games where the guns go 'pew' at the sound of a whisper when you shoot them.
2. How the bloody hell do you individualy silence zombies when hordes of them are trying to kill you? That would get you killed.
3. Or you could just kill all the zombies with it and get on with your life.

Let's not get mad now.
1. Silencers don't really have to be used at close range. Fine, they're still loud, but it makes some difference.
2. Who'd have the intelligence to run into a horde and individually kill each one?
3. It's the apocalypse. It's not like you can just waltz into your house and say "Hi, Mom I'm home!". You're going to have to rebuild your life. Jesus, I was only thinking.

A hatchet would also be pretty nice...
Perhaps a sledgehammer?

Let's not get mad now.
1. Silencers don't really have to be used at close range. Fine, they're still loud, but it makes some difference.Silencers are illegal to own BTW
2. Who'd have the intelligence to run into a horde and individually kill each one?I believe he means you would get bitten trying to silence them, also zombies can't scream
3. It's the apocalypse. It's not like you can just waltz into your house and say "Hi, Mom I'm home!". You're going to have to rebuild your life. Jesus, I was only thinking.

Let's not get mad now.
1. Silencers don't really have to be used at close range. Fine, they're still loud, but it makes some difference.
2. Who'd have the intelligence to run into a horde and individually kill each one?
3. It's the apocalypse. It's not like you can just waltz into your house and say "Hi, Mom I'm home!". You're going to have to rebuild your life. Jesus, I was only thinking.

1. You never said they were only good from far range. Be more detailed please.
2. No, you don't get it. You don't go after the zombies, they come after you. And they come after you in the hundreds.
3. Of loving course you'd have to rebuild your life, but that doesn't mean you'd have to rebuild it inside a nuclear bunker with your new friends Paranoia and Fear.

Silencers are illegal? Hmm, thanks for telling me.

Also, I mean muzzle them with like a cloth or something.

1. You never said they were only good from far range. Be more detailed please.
2. No, you don't get it. You don't go after the zombies, they come after you. And they come after you in the hundreds.
3. Of loving course you'd have to rebuild your life, but that doesn't mean you'd have to rebuild it inside a nuclear bunker with your new friends Paranoia and Fear.

1. I only said they don't have to be used at close range.
2. They must have some sort of reason to do that, like being driven out of a city due to an uncontrollable fire, or if they were hunting for food. They don't really know where you are, it isn't really like they have a sixth sense or something, to be honest.
3. I never said that you'd be forced into living in somewhere like that. Though paranoia and fear I agree on.

Ok, let's just get back on track now.

Flashlight with battery pack
Cell phone in case electricity turns back on (assuming its off)
P22 with 5 magazines at hand and 3 boxes of ammunition in backpack
Bottled water (3)
Cans of food (5 or so)
Water purification tablets
Shotgun with ammunition in backpack.
Silencers are illegal?
I doubt in a zombie apoc. the government would give two stuffs about you using a silencer.

Well, I don't think there are any laws in a zombie apocalypse

  • LeetZero's inventory:
  • 2 stabbing knives. Prefferably both connected of my legs with a belt, you can never know when you need to do some close-combat and you no longer have that "Golden bullet".
  • 2 revolvers with 6-bullet barrel (+ 42 bullets). Put in holsters at my waist, ammo wherever it fits best.
  • An MP-7 (+ 6 clips). As "primary weapon", it's known from "Future Weapons" that the MP-7 is a compact replica of the M4A1, or at least so it's said. Ammo to be put in a vest for easy access.
  • 3 grenades. Opening a door, opening that cranky wall or just taking down a group of zombies, never know when you need them. Holding them in the vest, however, they should be refilled when the chance is given (scavenging for grenades, wait, what).
  • Sandwiches. Fast to eat, nothing sofisticated and can be put into bags to be hold for easy access and longer-period of time.
  • 2 water bottles. 0.5 liter ones, preffereably refilled often.
  • Whistle. You may never know when you need to attract attention at long distance or anything.
  • Netbook + internet stick. However, I suppose the electricity will be worn out so this won't be really useful, but it will be for as long as it'll last.
  • Bolt cutters. You can never know, maybe you ran out of that pretty fireworks and you need to open stuff in a more difficult, quiet and non-destructive way.
  • Gas mask. I don't need to explain.
  • Bandages. Can't last for long, but can last sereval scars.
  • Medicine. Basic stuff, incase you get the sick or have a broken leg, it does not matter, sometimes sneezing can alert an entire horde.

    Supposing special accessories and doubles (+ammo) don't count as another item, the total brings up to 12 items. However, one should be carrying more, based on what the respective item is.

-Baseball bat
-Food (Duh)
-4 Water bottles
-First aid kits and any medicine I can find

Then I'd try to find a working car, that could be some easy temporary transportation, and find shelter in a place as far away from a city as possible. When I'm outta food, I'll start trying to find a supermarket that hadn't been completely looted. Das mah plan.  :cookieMonster:

-Baseball bat
-Food (Duh)
-4 Water bottles
-First aid kits and any medicine I can find

Then I'd try to find a working car, that could be some easy temporary transportation, and find shelter in a place as far away from a city as possible. When I'm outta food, I'll start trying to find a supermarket that hadn't been completely looted. Das mah plan.  :cookieMonster:

When there are fallen buildings, trash, zombies everywhere, dead bodies on the ground, how the forget would a car help you?

and I also highly doubt that you have a HK UMP and a

This is pretend, you stupid forget.