Author Topic: What supplies would you bring in a Zombie Apocalypse?  (Read 27984 times)

I'd just get a light, short pistol, so I could run away without having to humpf around 100000lbs of infinity ward guns.

I'd just get a light, short pistol, so I could run away without having to humpf around 100000lbs of infinity ward guns.
I'd bring a medium-weight tool that can be used as a weapon. Like a tire iron or a crowbar.

I'd bring a medium-weight tool that can be used as a weapon. Like a tire iron or a crowbar.
Think about it. It's not that easy to tear through flesh and bone with a blunt crowbar. It's not like you could theoretically beat a zombie to death either.

Think about it. It's not that easy to tear through flesh and bone with a blunt crowbar. It's not like you could theoretically beat a zombie to death either.
Then I'd bring a machete.
Melee weapons don't need reloading.

Always aim for the head!

Then I'd bring a machete.
Melee weapons don't need reloading.
No, but they can get dull or break.

No, but they can get dull or break.
Then I'd bring a spare and a machete sharpener.

In a zombie apocalypse I would be more concerned about a bunch of 8 year olds waving around guns from modern warfare 2 than the zombies.
What about the number of them driving around?

-Ammo, alot of that Russian long-storage ammo
-Gun cleaning supplies (derp)
-Water bottles
-Food for maybe 2 days, then just go to a store and service myself (It's ok it's an apocalypse)
-4 flashlights
-First aid kit
Best ebt still would be to go to the firearm's sportsclub nearby and fight side by side with the overarmed dudes there (There are like 3 dudes with 50 cal snipers, and at least 50 smaller firearms)

Of course, you know how to use them.
You've seen it in a video game.

No, my dad is a member of aforementioned shooting club.
I usually watch him clean theim, if it comes down to it I could practically clean one myself.
And handling is also taught at the shooting club.

Of course, you know how to use them.
You've seen it in a video game.
Actually, an AK-47 is almost impossible to break by accident. You probably wouldn't even need to do anything to clean it and it would last a long time.

 - Backpack
      - Dual Mac-11s
         - 10 Mac-11 Clips
         - Mac-11 Ammo
      - Radio
         - Batteries for Radio
      - Desert Eagle
         - 2 Deagle Clips
         - Deagle Ammo
      - Medkit
- Suitcase
         - Portable Stove
         - Food
         - Drinks
       - Clothes and Armor
       - Netbook
         - Netbook Charger
       - iPhone 4
         - iPhone Charger
       - Flashlight
         - More batteries
       - Hazmat Suit
       - Machete and Knife

And there is my complete, organized list of stuff.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 04:02:53 PM by KetaTheCat »

Actually, an AK-47 is almost impossible to break by accident. You probably wouldn't even need to do anything to clean it and it would last a long time.
Depends on the ammo you fire.
Normal ammo of this day will lasty you about 2 weeks, but the older Russian ammo meant for long time storage I mentioned has an anti-corrosive paint layer that clogs up the AK so you have to clean it every day.