Author Topic: What supplies would you bring in a Zombie Apocalypse?  (Read 27985 times)

Then you're screwed. Until then, play it Resident Evil style and drive around with a tanker truck jacking all the fuel from gas stations.

Hand cranks, or maybe make one of those convayor belt things so the zombies would make endless power for you

BECAUSE, you can really use guns a forget ton.

Titanium Golf Club
Aluminum Baseball Bat(Wood is too heavy and it will break)
Glock 17 with 50 mags(I bought them all because I am paranoid :D)
Radio(We could pick up a signal)

And I would find a place to make a safe house and then I would go out and look for provisions every once in awhile.
This way I can actually store those 50 magazines, I would distribute them among my group of 10 so we can carry them all. Each person would have a melee weapon and a gun if they have one somewhere.

And to anyone who talks about power, any sort of electronic device using a generator is more than likely loud enough and would attract zombies.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 04:31:33 PM by Slugger »

We still need some form of mounted minigun out of the top floor room windows though.

We still need some form of mounted minigun out of the top floor room windows though.
Makes no sense, if you fire that, you will attract the zombies, and when you run out of ammunition, you're loving screwed.

Makes no sense, if you fire that, you will attract the zombies, and when you run out of ammunition, you're loving screwed.
Board the entire ground floor up, have a ladder on the roof.

You're loving invincible. Just keep some spare guns and you can kill anything.

Pistols fit on a belt and are low maintenance / quick. I have 1 rifle. The ammo fits into the backpack and is also light.
Jesus man, just because 1 pistol doesn't weigh that much, doesn't mean 3 won't. So anyway each pistol weighs at least 2< pounds, and then the ammunition you will carry will be an additional 8 pounds, you're not thinking realistically.
Board the entire ground floor up, have a ladder on the roof.

You're loving invincible. Just keep some spare guns and you can kill anything.
What will you do when you run out of provisions?

Cell Phones would be a good idea. You could charge it if you stopped at a store and picked up a crank charger. 911 is a designated number. If you are on Verizon and you have no service then dial 911, your phone will go to a Cricket tower or ATT, Tracphone, etc. Also, easy access to the Internet assuming you are near a working tower. When power started working, you would have contacts.

I would probably be a zombie :o

Some kind of handgun (and yes, I've shot several guns before and handgun is by far the easiest one because it's rather light and can reload quickly)
Baseball bat
Beer bottles with rags stuffed in the top and a lighter (molotovs forget yeah)
Hammer, Nails and Boards (defence)
My parent's truck and box trailer (my dad has a large trailer that looks like an open-top box that could probably serve as a mobile home and forget a drivers licence, I'm confident enough that I could probably drive)
Food that does not require cooking
Gas Cans (for gas storage)
Whatever I can find in my dad's workshop
And several backpacks.

and gravity gun

Also I'd try to find some other survivors so I can increase the chance of us surviving and keeping my sanity in check via social interaction
« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 04:44:40 PM by Altered »

Then you're screwed. Until then, play it Resident Evil style and drive around with a tanker truck jacking all the fuel from gas stations.
Bad idea. You better hope a stray bullet doesn't find its way to your trailer. You get the Zombie kill of the week for killing every zombie in the area but you also die.

I love how everyone gets stuff that would make you gain attention IE molotovs.

I love how everyone gets stuff that would make you gain attention IE molotovs.
Everything attracts attention. Even a baseball bat when it cracks a zombie.