Author Topic: What supplies would you bring in a Zombie Apocalypse?  (Read 27986 times)

Bad idea. You better hope a stray bullet doesn't find its way to your trailer. You get the Zombie kill of the week for killing every zombie in the area but you also die.
Bullets do not make tank truck explode.
Real life =/= Hollywood.
Tracer rounds may work though, but liquid fuel isn't that flamable.

I love how everyone gets stuff that would make you gain attention IE molotovs.

You act as if gaining attention = instant death

Gunshots will attract zombies
Zombies dying and screaming will attract zombies
Molotovs will attract zombies
Basicly, everything you do will attract zombies and there is nothing you can do about it.
Stop being a stupid forget.

I love how everyone gets stuff that would make you gain attention IE molotovs.
Yeah, everyone should just answer "be silent and hide in the basement.", would make for a fun thread to read.

A pencil and paper.
So I could paper cut all the Zombies but still be able to write a Zombie Apocalypse survior guide.

Yeah, everyone should just answer "be silent and hide in the basement.", would make for a fun thread to read.

I don't care if I die as long as I have the time of my life shooting, burning, beating, crushing and driving over zombies.
Then my life will be complete.

What I have around me. Knifes, Automatic nerf guns (Uhh. Distraction? Nowait. Melee weapon. Stampede is heavy as stuff.). Yeah. My largest knife and another small one. One for slashing another for silent kills. Travel with plenty of food and first aid, something to clean knife. Loads of deodorant cans with a lighter, FLAMETHROWER BITCH and some alchohol to sterilize wounds.

Everything attracts attention. Even a baseball bat when it cracks a zombie.
During an apocalypse, the baseball bat is not as high profile. A fire will cause zombies to run towards it because of the smell and smoke.
Yeah, everyone should just answer "be silent and hide in the basement.", would make for a fun thread to read.
I didn't loving say be silent, the OP said be realistic. You CAN move quietly through the streets in a light profile, but you're trying to be high profile.

How would you know?
Zombies don't exist so you don't know if they are attracted to fire.
Most animals are scared of fire.

How would you know?
Zombies don't exist so you don't know if they are attracted to fire.
Most animals are scared of fire.
Zombies are attracted to anything of a large scale, meaning loud noises IE a church bell, or a large fire just like they are attracted to lights.

Zombies are attracted to anything of a large scale, meaning loud noises IE a church bell, or a large fire just like they are attracted to lights.
Left 4 dead zombies =/= How zombies would be IRL

Offtopic: my first post ever. Ignore this.


Gunshots will attract zombies
Zombies dying and screaming will attract zombies
Molotovs will attract zombies
Basicly, everything you do will attract zombies and there is nothing you can do about it.
Stop being a stupid forget.

Sure, nearly everything would attract zombies, but let's think about this:
-Firearms can have silencers attatched
-If zombies do scream when killed, muzzle them as you do so
-If you don't do covert, then these things can be used to your advantage. For exaple, you could throw a molotov down the street and then use that discraction as a chance to escape.

Anyways, here's what I'd bring;
-Some sort of melee weapon, like an axe or a knife.
-A water bottle that can hold up to at least a litre or more
-A wind-up torch(yes, they're real)
-Some form of first aid
-Swiss army knife
If I do find weapons, I'd use a handgun, they're easy to handle, and lightweight too. I'd also find some sort of silencer. But If I do find something like that, I wouldn't go Rambo and throw away my ammo quickly, I'd only use it if I need to.

Left 4 dead zombies =/= How zombies would be IRL
Im not bringing L4D into this you stupid forget, where the loving hell do you get that from?
Im getting this from the zombie movies I have seen, and 28 Days Later is the stuff for that. Instead of accusing me of believing L4D is realistic, can we have a regular discussion?

But honestly I believe Dawn of the Dead zombies make more sense, as they can't move muscles that fast as in 28 Days Later.

Im not bringing L4D into this you stupid forget, where the loving hell do you get that from?
Im getting this from the zombie movies I have seen, and 28 Days Later is the stuff for that.

But honestly I believe Dawn of the Dead zombies make more sense, as they can't move muscles that fast as in 28 Days Later.
I am a stupid forget because zombies are attracted to loud noises and sudden happenings in L4D and I relate it to your description?
Anyways, all we can base our apparatus choosing opon is that they want you dead and that they don't have fine motor skills (EG no handeling tools of any kind).

I am a stupid forget because zombies are attracted to loud noises and sudden happenings in L4D and I relate it to your description? Your quote before claimed me of believing in L4D zombies, I claimed you of being a stupid forget for trying to accuse me, you weren't comparing.

Left 4 dead zombies =/= How zombies would be IRL
Anyways, all we can base our apparatus choosing opon is that they want you dead and that they don't have fine motor skills (EG no handeling tools of any kind).

You describe zombies in a way they behave in a very popular videogame.
I think you mean the ones in the videogame.
I am a stupid forget.