Author Topic: Event: X-Ray  (Read 4862 times)

seems more like a graphics glitch.

That's not the x-ray part.

seems more like a graphics glitch.

To be honest i haven't the fantasist idea whats causing the blinking as it doesn't appear on the actual screen whilst recording

I don't believe this is genuine. The camera concept I believe, but this doesn't seem legit to me. Without the save its even more questionable.

Also find it highly suspicious the screen is perfectly sized for the gate build. Record us a video with it scanning more than one thing one after the other.

does it matter that we built each screen fit for purpose, we could of built one huge one and than duplicated each build in, but than each scan would of taken years and would of frankly been dull to watch
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 03:41:34 AM by Gambsy »

does it matter that we built each screen fit for purpose, we could of built one huge one and than duplicated each build in, but than each scan would of taken years and would of frankly been dull to watch

Feel free to time lapse it.

EPIC WIN, Please release this!

Very nice.

That blinking is horribly annoying though

This is impossible with events, and even if there was a way to sense the colors of bricks within the build, the maximum schedule limit wouldn't let it.

Additionally, it would cause massive frame loss. I created a generator that operates as close as possible to the schedule limit. It emits no sound or light, yet when it's on I get massive frame loss.

This is completely fabricated. You prepared the screens ahead of time to look like they actually scanned the image.

If you need any more proof, attached is a picture of the inside-left side of the arch of constatine. Compare it with the xray image to see that they are completely different and this entire thing is made up.

—SeventhSandwich, the bullstuff inspector.

General made an add-on for this, so it's efficient

As for the inside being different, you have to assume that it's not a completely perfect system. If he did indeed fabricate this, I'm sure he would have made sure that the two matched up perfectly.

General made an add-on for this, so it's efficient
Still not possible.

I demand to see the script.

Also, if it's an add-on, why the forget is it called, "Event: X-ray" and furthermore, why didn't he release it?

As for the inside being different, you have to assume that it's not a completely perfect system
You're stupid.

It gives the appearance that it is looking INSIDE the building, so it's important to actually compare it with the real inside to see that they just made pixelart and did the events:

OnRelay self setcolor > <color here>
OnRelay self firerelayup

On all of the black bricks.

Here, I'll make a completely evented camera that senses depth and prints it out on the same chart in a second.

Look, ile make another vid and show the events placed on the bricks and duplicate it in as opposed to loading up new saves....

Are you a coder, Seventh? Because if you are, you would realise how simple it is to code something that does this, and save yourself the future the public embarrassment. Just a point of advice, don't post unless you know what you are talking about.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 02:01:04 PM by General »

Are you a coder, Seventh? Because if you are, you would realise how simple it is to code something that does this, and save yourself the future the public embarrassment. Just a point of advice, don't post unless you know what you are talking about.
I'll accept defeat if you show us the script.

Are you a coder, Seventh? Because if you are, you would realise how simple it is to code something that does this, and save yourself the future the public embarrassment. Just a point of advice, don't post unless you know what you are talking about.
Also, I find it odd that you're saying it's a script, opposed to gambsy who is saying:
Look, ile make another vid and show the events placed on the bricks and duplicate it in as opposed to loading up new saves....
which insinuates it's an evented creation.

my bullstuff alarm is going crazy.

The script is an event, so ime showing that ime putting the x-ray script/event on the bricks not set colour as you said, also i find it ridiculous that you even thing anybody would go to the bother of set colouring over 15k bricks