Author Topic: Making brick icons  (Read 625 times)

I've been trying to UV map it in Blender but I just can't get it to work. Any other ways to do them?

Load the green Construct map.
Build the brick you want an Icon of.
Take a screenshot of it at an 45 degree angle, slightly above the brick.

Of course, make the brick either white or grey.

That's too amateur for me. I'm aiming for perfection.

Well, it's not as if you have any better ideas

I'd rather roll without icons than with the crappy images you get with that.

I've been trying to UV map it in Blender but I just can't get it to work. Any other ways to do them?
You mean add a brick texture to a brick model?
Send me the file.
I can toy around with it.

It's just mapping three pre-colored images to three planes and I fail at it miserably. You don't need the file.

Edit: If at first you don't succeed. You just try, try again.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 09:03:00 AM by Demian »