Author Topic: [100x70] Experiment Z - SWEET SEMEN OF BABY JESUS! ZOMBIES!  (Read 31455 times)

Loot bodies and go to the garage.

Make sure no more zombies are around, gather the loot from the zombies if there is any.

Admire the painting then TAKE IT, WE NEED BEAUTIFUL STUFF.

Take the poster so that the nopa lisa has company in your inventory. PROCEED TO LUMPY HAIRED FRIEND'S HOUSE.

get back in the habit of updating lol !

get back in the habit of updating lol !

Summon the Nopa-Lisa!

Or get panic at the disco to sing the ballad of nopa lisa, either works.

Take the poster so that the nopa lisa has company in your inventory.

You are now sure that your Nopa Lisa is an incredibly happy painting.

Kick the front door open like a badass.

Before you leave, grab as much non-perishable food as possible.

<equip nopa lisa>

<start singing the ballad of mona lisa and replace mona lisa with nopa lisa

Combine poster and Nope Lisa.