Author Topic: League of Legends - "The Enemies Inhibitor is respawning soon!"  (Read 155723 times)

I have trouble getting into this game. I usually play 1 game a night, if not a week.

lol wut

People only build him tanky because he has ONE ABILITY that scales with armor. Otherwise, his other two damaging abilities scale with AP and AD, so he's a tanky hybrid, sort of. Mostly AP. Building him full tank will suck ass because he has no hard CC/gapcloser other than his ult.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 01:17:45 PM by ChexGuy331 »

lol shaco

in one game i went insane crit and in another i ended up at level 14 at the end of the round even though everyone was at 18. i was scared to leave spawn because of an insane AP akali :(

Chex we should play together soon B)

I thought you were on EU.

Eu west aahhh no russians and no brazilians

People only build him tanky because he has ONE ABILITY that scales with armor. Otherwise, his other two damaging abilities scale with AP and AD, so he's a tanky hybrid, sort of. Mostly AP. Building him full tank will suck ass because he has no hard CC/gapcloser other than his ult.

His passive gives him more durability, his rock shard can be used as a gap closer, his brutal strikes gives him armor AND damage, his ground slam's effect lowers dps, much like frozen heart, which is a tank item. His ult is meant to be an initiator for teamfights, something tanks do.

...unlike every other tank who has a non-ult gapcloser on a much shorter cooldown, allowing them to get to and potentially trap multiple targets during a teamfight instead of just one. I'm not saying Malphite can't be a tank, I'm saying he's a stuffty one.

Well, I think Gragas is stufftier.

Because he's not a tank either.

Guys stop building these items on Alistar:
Doran's Ring
Lich Bane
Radabon's Deathcap
Any other item intended for an AP carry

You are making your team lose.

Pretty new to the game but i'm actually pretty good. Went 9-2 with ashe on my 3rd game :D



how2playleagueoflegendsNOTasA she

Ed2: Ok, I've bought my first champion.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 02:38:21 PM by Acid »

Guys stop building these items on Alistar:
Doran's Ring
Lich Bane
Radabon's Deathcap
Any other item intended for an AP carry

You are making your team lose.

Not really. AP/CDR Alistar does what an AP carry can do with the addition of CC. The ones you play with (and every one I've seen except in high-elo replays) just suck ass.

I love playing Ashe :D

Kiting and Pestering people whilst laning and then delivering nice chunks of dps and final blows whilst pushing. Fast and has range which lets her play very safe aswell. :D

I do need to learn more champions though. Otherwise I won't know what to expect when fighting them for the first time.

Also i've gotten some epic Ulti Arrow kills and assits (Assists where the kill wouldnt have happened if i had not stunned them with the arrow whilst they were escaping)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 05:17:23 PM by Acid »