Author Topic: League of Legends - "The Enemies Inhibitor is respawning soon!"  (Read 156580 times)

revive ghost jax smurf account dominion was the most fun i've ever had ever

17/2 as well as first place by 14 points against my friend who was kennen

best. game. ever.

got a double at the end and lived because tristana ult saved me and left me at 50 hp
we were right at their base too :D

>pick soraka
>guy connects 20 seconds late
>forgeter instalocks lulu

"really? instalock lulu when I picked a support already?"

"lulu is a better support"


"ok guys im going ap lulu"


he didn't buy a ward the ENTIRE loving GAME and his excuse was "im ap lulu"

he then tried to tell me the Vayne I'm laning with is support and she should buy wards (????????????????????????????????????)

oh also he loving SUCKED roosterS

did I mention I did better than him playing loving EVELYNN?!

in that same game ^^^
the enemy mf was mad xd!!!
mad cuz bad

jetlok best brand 2012

Just bought Fizz.
Best purchase ive ever made.

in that same game ^^^
the enemy mf was mad xd!!!
mad cuz bad

jetlok best brand 2012

did we win that game? I don't remember even though it was an hour ago  :panda:

checked my match history yeah we did


I always love going on these topics of games I've never played because everything people say makes no sense.

Summoner showcase velociraptor

I always love going on these topics of games I've never played because everything people say makes no sense.
Oops, missed that.
You should play, we have plenty of noobs that you can befriend and learn with.

Oops, missed that.
You should play, we have plenty of noobs that you can befriend and learn with.
Like me

EDIT: Nasus is loving fun

Just bought Fizz.
Best purchase ive ever made.

I think full AP and lich bane is still the best funnest build because you can drop someone in under a second and get back out again, But still I definitely recommend trying Atmogs (Warmog's + Atma's Impaler) on Fizz as an AD build too. The % magic damage from W and the fact that you're doing AD too makes it really hard to counter AD Fizz.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 12:31:43 PM by Acid »

I hate really loving DUMB people on solo queue
I'm not sure if I was getting trolled but 3 people instalocked as carries (Ashe, Vayne + Cait). dafuq.

I've noticed when i was low level EVERYONE wanted to play AD carries. Now I've hit level 30 I find most of the time most people leave bot lane to the last picks

I think full AP and lich bane is still the best funnest build because you can drop someone in under a second and get back out again, But still I definitely recommend trying Atmogs (Warmog's + Atma's Impaler) on Fizz as an AD build too. The % magic damage from W and the fact that you're doing AD too makes it really hard to counter AD Fizz.
Thanks for the tips. But I just like Fizz because, at my low level, no one has really seen him and underestimate him.

I've noticed when i was low level EVERYONE wanted to play AD carries. Now I've hit level 30 I find most of the time most people leave bot lane to the last picks

It's because if they go bot they know they're going to have to lane with someone else (pretty likely to be a complete stranger)

Mr. Wallet has inspired me to run smite and CV on every support. I've been doing very well too.

Last game was lost because we had 3 melee ad carries, so I was forced to play tank and ap carry as well as taric. D: