Author Topic: League of Legends - "The Enemies Inhibitor is respawning soon!"  (Read 152873 times)

It's funny actually I was against noc who is amazing at taking my jungle but I actually out farmed him by outsmarting him and taking his wraiths continually. Maokai clear time is actually pretty fast for a tank jungle because his ability's base stats are so high.

2526 rp
6180 ip
what get

Oriannnaa! just bought her :D


My friends and I  (They played Shen and Lulu) decided to all go AS just to have some fun. It was fun not to lose.

what in the world is shaco building

random LW out of nowhere

first 2 times playing as Riven.. 6/0/1 first game (got fed in top and could 1v1 their solotop with no problem LOL) and the second 3/5/7 or something (someone loving went duo mid)..
won both, though.

ed: wholly stuff. just spent 50 minutes as Riven in a game which I got my full build and was getting insane (ganking mid then ganking top, repeat; wasn't even jungling). At the end of the game, their mf was loving hugely fed but i had enough armor to take 72% reduced physical damage and she sucked at focusing so I tanked all her damage and our veigar killed her :D

don't tell me about my build, our maokai was going half tank and half ap. i was more utility tank than anything (i.e. tanking turrets, baron, dragon, whole loving team)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 09:50:59 PM by Placid »

Just played Corki with a premade team.. holy stuff, our soraka was roaming and we had voli jungling and i was csing in our lane for about 18ish minutes. I had 200 cs and more gold than about any of them.. needless to say our team shredded armor (nasus, corki) and loving owned anyone in our path c:

first 2 times playing as Riven.. 6/0/1 first game (got fed in top and could 1v1 their solotop with no problem LOL) and the second 3/5/7 or something (someone loving went duo mid)..
won both, though.

ed: wholly stuff. just spent 50 minutes as Riven in a game which I got my full build and was getting insane (ganking mid then ganking top, repeat; wasn't even jungling). At the end of the game, their mf was loving hugely fed but i had enough armor to take 72% reduced physical damage and she sucked at focusing so I tanked all her damage and our veigar killed her :D

[IMG][/img ]

don't tell me about my build, our maokai was going half tank and half ap. i was more utility tank than anything (i.e. tanking turrets, baron, dragon, whole loving team)
GA on Riven is really good, however you are really wasting her potential with the Warmog's and Frozen Mallet. Her shield scales off of AD, so building Bloodthirsters is almost always the better choice.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, there are times when Frozen Mallet is decent on Riven. However, 99% you really don't need it if your team has any sort of CC. For example, your team has Udyr constantly stunning them, Mao knocking them back and rooting them, and Ashe has a built in Frozen Mallet on her Q. Waste of gold in that situation
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 11:51:05 PM by mrxang »

GA on Riven is really good, however you are really wasting her potential with the Warmog's and Frozen Mallet. Her shield scales off of AD, so building Bloodthirsters is almost always the better choice.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, there are times when Frozen Mallet is decent on Riven. However, 99% you really don't need it if your team has any sort of CC. For example, your team has Udyr constantly stunning them, Mao knocking them back and rooting them, and Ashe has a built in Frozen Mallet on her Q. Waste of gold in that situation
yeah, probably true, except in that game what would happen was i would be the one to initiate and then their mf would be in the very back of the fight. my q was the only thing that could get anyone to the back of the fight and she did almost 100% of their damage (which is why i built so much armor/health). i just ran to the back with q, w'd, autoattacked her to death and then we won the teamfight.

that being said, yeah.. i've played 3 other games with Riven in which i went much more of an AD/AS approach rather than a complete tanky because my team had a bunch of well-used cc.

I love playing low leveled games because nobody ever buys armor. 25/4/1? as Xin Zhao.

My build was IE, BT, BT, PD, PD, Berserkers Greaves. Nobody on the other team even thought to buy thornmail so I ripped them apart.

building AS on riven is complete ass and is useless as forget.

she doesn't scale from constantly basic attacking people, she scales by basic attacking, using a skill, then basic attacking again. she gains a bonus amount of damage to her next basic attack she does when using her spells. this is why people with brains build ad and no offtank and no attack speed because she's not a bruiser or right click win. a few defensive items on her would probably be maw of bleh or GA

Uh, add me guys

I play on the NA server

How do you guys feel about playing Shaco as a tank? I mean, he has a fear, a slow, and a great way to initiate. Plus, his ult gives your team 2 tanks. Do you guys think it is at all viable (not in ranked play of course)? If so, how would I go about building it?

I feel like you'd want to build Merc Treads and Tear of the Goddess, but what would you suggest armor wise?

The idea for this came from when I'd play with Shaco, I'd tend to get focused a lot. So, I was thinking if I built tank from the get-go, people would still tend to focus him just based on his rep for being annoying.