
Author Topic: vegetarianism  (Read 2789 times)

I, myself am a vegetarian but where I'm from there seems to be a lack of diversity with people and their food. Is anybody else a vegetarian or similar?

I'm not one of those people who cares if you eat meat, so please don't think I am.

You don't get all the nutrients you need by eating vegetables.

You're going to die young.

You don't get all the nutrients you need by eating vegetables.

Your absolutely right, there is a higher risk of anemia due to a lack of iron intake from meat, but I take my supplements which helps me alot.

It's a scary percentage of something like 50% higher chance of getting when your vegetarian.

I couldn't be a vegetarian to save my life.

Meats are delicious though, you are missing out mai boi.

Your absolutely right, there is a higher risk of anemia due to a lack of iron intake from meat, but I take my supplements which helps me alot.

It's a scary percentage of something like 50% higher chance of getting when your vegetarian.

This is why I nibble on animals each day.

loving bacon man, you are missing out.

i eat forgettons of meat, i should probably eat more vegetables other than mashed potatoes and corn.

Eat meat, pusillanimous individual.

Eat meat, pusillanimous individual.
i rather eat pusillanimous individual.

Eat meat, pusillanimous individual.
Amen to that, brotha.

Eat meat, pusillanimous individual.
Eat pusillanimous individual meat