
What would you guys like in terms of the MA5C?

The old CMT SPV2 styled one
13 (13%)
New CMT SPV3 one
34 (34%)
I don't know...?
53 (53%)

Total Members Voted: 100

Author Topic: The New Halo Pack ///!!!RELEASED V1.2!!!///  (Read 157324 times)

there are still people who wanted to see your pack released, including me. your pack was very well made, and include weapons that probably wont be in mine, so people will want your weapons released also. in my opinion, i think you should still work to complete yours :)

btw, is there anybody else who knows how to work JVS related materiel?

btw, is there anybody else who knows how to work JVS related materiel?

I don't know, ask someone who has made them before, like Bushi and Plornt.

My pack is now obsolete.

LIES! Your pack has some awesome stuff in it and a lot of it isn't in Midway's! More specifically your playertype! As Midway once told me while I was showing him my progress on the PoA,
Quote from: Midway Sentinel
ShadowsfeaR needs to get off his lazy ass and finish his pack!

Quote from: Kevune
lol ikr?


I don't know, ask someone who has made them before, like Bushi and Plornt.

Haha, no, he isn't even around as far as I know. The last time he visited was around last year.

i wouldn't say lazy, but i would say preoccupied with lower priority projects (im my opinion)

added new weapon to the list! (will most likely be released in a later update)

how did you know it is the MA4C?
looks great

Dear TheKhoz

How do you hold a gun in real life?

Dear TheKhoz

How do you hold a gun in real life?
Okay, listen up. The distance the default gun is held from the body is 1 unit. The distance your arm is when you stick your arm out all the way is 1 unit.

Comparing Blockland to real life.  Lego men never hold the gun with both hands.  In real life your left arm isnt 5 feet long and your right arm isn't 2 feet long and invisible.

how did you know it is the MA4C?
looks great
i didnt at first, but Kevune found a page w/ info on some of the other designs, and the MA4C was the only one that fit the bill.

well at least it:

1. Doesn't have "Paper Barrels"
2. Gets the job done right

Okay, listen up. The distance the default gun is held from the body is 1 unit. The distance your arm is when you stick your arm out all the way is 1 unit.

Comparing Blockland to real life.  Lego men never hold the gun with both hands.  In real life your left arm isnt 5 feet long and your right arm isn't 2 feet long and invisible.
well, Blocklanders aren't "Lego men"

1. Doesn't have "Paper Barrels"
2. Gets the job done right
Ok, first of all, barrels have absolutely nothing to do with this. This is the hands we're talking about.
No, they do not get the job done right, at all. What is wrong with them holding the gun with one hand? Isn't that fine? It doesn't look bad at all and its what the game was intended to look like.
Another point I want to make is the fingerless glove model. Not only does it look horribly made, it doesn't even make sense. This is a halo pack, right? You know how the spartans/elites/pretty much every soldier in halo is wearing about half a car for armor? Why would you think that fingerless gloves would work at all?

well, Blocklanders aren't "Lego men"
Now im convinced you're just talking out of your ass. Blocklanders are heavily based on lego men, and in v0002, they pretty much were lego men. Holding guns in one hand looks infinitely better than one hand being stretched out five times as much as the other.

tl;dr change your stuff it looks horrible


It's because weapons are accurately scaled, just not scaled to blockhead size. If you correctly scaled a weapon to this size it would look miniature and stuffty, all because the hands are inaccurate to that of a human and even lego minifigs. Blockheads are very fat and the opening in their hand is actually about the size of a 105mm round. If you were to try and shape your hand like a blockhead's it would fit the pistol grip of an M4, but if you opened your hand to the same gap with as the blockhead's if would more fit the heatshield/handguard of an M4

And blockheads can probably stretch their arms for all we know