Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7833174 times)

I would love to get that RD hoodie, but my school would think I'm a handicap handicapped or something.
Way ahead of ya!
loving peoples reactions.

I find the likelihood that this is a repost incredibly high, but this deserves reposts.

I find the likelihood that this is a repost incredibly high, but this deserves reposts.

Is it possible to watch MLP like once or twice and not be a brony. My school hates MLP and if they found out that i watched it twice, they'd murder me with a chainsaw

A brony is a fan of the show. Simple as that.
If you liked the show and told people, they're likely to call you one. If you didn't like the show, then there isn't a problem here.

If you're afraid of getting beat up or mocked because you enjoy the show, don't tell anyone.

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I heard someone at my school mention My Little Pony during an ICT lesson.

Still, I wouldn't risk mentioning it there myself.

I heard someone at my school mention My Little Pony during an ICT lesson.

Still, I wouldn't risk mentioning it there myself.
I ask people what they think about grown ass men watching my little pony.
Their reactions are awesome.

So its been 22 days without tikitai in this thread, anyone know what could of happened to him? any guesses?

Anyways I did build a gravestone for tikitai in my CityRPG server if you guys haven't noticed.

I was told that Tikitai's computer is broken and he has no way of fixing it at the moment

How were we suppose to get that?

I got it but Iban is still an insensitive forget so I can see how people didn't

I ask people what they think about grown ass men watching my little pony.
Their reactions are awesome.
I went from being scared that anyone would know in september to the entire school knowing & not being stupid about it in january.

If I knew more people that have steam and stuff I'd probably tell them
So far I've only met 3 people that do and they don't seem to care about it

Eh, at least I found some people

I've told four people - well, three, and one sort of guessed this morning

I was talking with her (she's the one that wrote the story with the unicorn and made me think of MLP)

Le Me: "Don't be too disturbed by this... I read 'unicorn' in your story and instantly thought, "MY LITTLE PONY!""
Le Her: "Rofl"
Le Her again: "You're not one of those guys who's obsessed with it are you?"
Le Me: "Define obsessed."

The other three were the brony friend I have, James, who I have told you about.

The two left are my best friends. One is indifferent, the other is almost interested. They are siblings, the older is interested, the younger is indifferent.

I only got so involved because I had nothing else to spend my time on. At this point, other activities probably wouldn't change it (though it would depend on the activity too).

Le Me: "Don't be too disturbed by this... I read 'unicorn' in your story and instantly thought, "MY LITTLE PONY!""
You're worse with women than I am, and I threaten to amputate their limbs.