My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2

Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7669506 times)

yeah we knew.
he sucks at being discrete about it

it was kinda obvious but thanks for the legit proof so now we can tell him to forget off when he announces 'omg guys im not asa'

So I was in this thread because reasons and I decided to fuse a Ponyta and a Machop together.
It also fuses the names and the name for this one is Ponychop, which I almost misread as Ponyclop. Yeah.

I've never wanted to kill someone so much until Tompson posts.

I've never wanted to kill someone so much until Tompson posts.

I've never wanted to kill someone so much until Tompson posts.

I never wanted to break a combo so much until now.