Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7819020 times)

At first I thought it was something loveual.

> Clicks on link.
> Is not entirely disappointed.

At first I thought it was something loveual.

Dam this fandom :v
The Japanese have already built a procrastination machine.

he just means they haven't been revealed

yes, i meant to add "at the moment"

I wonder how reg is doing with his Lyra plushie.

do we consider the last episode to be an Applejack episode, or an Apple Family (Granny Smith, Big Mac, Applejack, Apple Bloom) episode?
i'm thinking Applejack, because she's the one who learns a lesson and is the cause of the problem

regardless it's the applejack-episode of the season, that much is for certain. only a couple slots left for other characters

do we consider the last episode to be an Applejack episode, or an Apple Family (Granny Smith, Big Mac, Applejack, Apple Bloom) episode?
i'm thinking Applejack, because she's the one who learns a lesson and is the cause of the problem

regardless it's the applejack-episode of the season, that much is for certain. only a couple slots left for other characters
I think appleback, because moar apple fwittur.

That moment when you search up IMDb and find out that Discord was in Torchwood.

before you ask, i'm turning it into a tf2 spray, thus is why the dimensions are messed up

also adding subtitles

You could have just cropped it so it didn't become distorted.

I wonder how reg is doing with his Lyra plushie.

we're doing fine

we're doing fine
We require pics of lyra in a robe sipping on some hot cocoa.

It is winter, afterall.

That and we need proof that you're taking care of her!

we're doing fine
So what are you using it for? Pencil sharpener? Cupholder?

What magical adventures have you gone on while you were away from us?

> 5 year old niece get me a brony wallet.
> Sees 50 dollar bill in it.

loving clever.