Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7784512 times)

keep away from my waifu.
Luna is the people's pony, she belongs to everyone!

But mostly Stalin.

keep away from my waifu.

all I want to do is forget those incredibly lovey chubby legs mmm

all I want to do is forget those incredibly lovey chubby legs mmm
no stop

aaaa holy forget this is great.

knowing atryl there is a nsfw version on his other blog
Mmmmn yes I found it she's got some nice lips and I'm not just talking about the ones on her face

I showed my friend the commission I had done for me and he wanted one too so that's the third one I've ordered in a row from the same artist heheheh.

What's reflecting off his eye?


with a horse

keep away from my waifu.
Bitch, she's mine.

And I'm not gonna draw Luna alongside Celestia now because I'm lazy.

I'll draw her by herself.

Bitch, she's mine.

And I'm not gonna draw Luna alongside Celestia now because I'm lazy.

I'll draw her by herself.
Draw Luna by herself
Draw Celestia by herself
Lazily plop Celestia into picture with Luna and BANG, a picture of Luna alongside Celestia

Draw Luna by herself
Draw Celestia by herself
Lazily plop Celestia into picture with Luna and BANG, a picture of Luna alongside Celestia
I was panning on doing so. But I just wanna finish Celestia and get that out of the way and then draw Luna when I feel like drawing again. And I would do that, but it's kind of impossible, because I'm very busy and stuff, it took me like 2 weeks just to get to the point where Celestia is 90% finished. I don't want this picture to take a loving month. And I did slap Luna's body down and it just didn't look right, so I just said "forget it." I'm taking the shortcut and finishing one part of the drawing so it looks purty enough and then leave the rest out and say it's finished.

I will draw Luna by herself in the future, though.