Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7784841 times)

mfw Xyro retweeted something I sent him:


practice, first time drawing apple lady shyfly and rariti.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 01:04:51 AM by Kumquat »

I really like her mane! [](/b25)
and what tool do you use to draw?
I always see tablet drawings like they were smudged or something

I always see tablet drawings like they were smudged or something

this is because of pen pressure. harder presses on the tablet equate to darker, thicker lines (depending on your settings), and vice versa for lighter presses, which tends to give the appearance of smudges.

this is because of pen pressure. harder presses on the tablet equate to darker, thicker lines (depending on your settings), and vice versa for lighter presses, which tends to give the appearance of smudges.
there isn't a solid line for it?
I don't have a tablet so I don't know these things

there isn't a solid line for it?

not entirely sure what you mean by this.

also, tara strong is officially second best VA:!/tarastrong/status/172926684968914945

not entirely sure what you mean by this.
instead of a smudge effect it would do a solid black or whatever color you have line that
think of it like drawing with a pencil, does it have something like that?

second best VA
just popping by to remind you guys that Steve Blum is #1

instead of a smudge effect it would do a solid black or whatever color you have line that
think of it like drawing with a pencil, does it have something like that?

oh, yes, but it also depends on the program you're using. for instance, I use Photoshop, and I know for a fact that Photoshop CS5 specifically has a button labeled, "Pen Pressure Control," or something like that, and when I draw a line, it's a solid black line, its thickness being controlled by how fast I move the pen and by how hard I press. like I said, it really all depends on the program you're using.

Kobe stop sending me Spike and Rarity rape games.

Kobe stop sending me Spike and Rarity rape games.
dun dun duunnnn

Kobe stop sending me Spike and Rarity rape games.
Do you prefer different shipping?