Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7784008 times)

Like i said, you fail to admit it, you're living in your own perfect world where you can live with ponies in harmony and have ponies everywhere in life.
It doesn't exist.

You kinda need to back off a bit dude. Give the guy a break, he tried to cease arguing with you, so you should do the same

On Topic: Nice drawing, free hand, right?

Psst, Kingdaro.  Check your PMs on the other forum.


He's Squideey, of course it's freehand.  He's just that awesome.

why don't you just let him live in his little world and be happy? is it really any of your business or harm for you to not do so? must you try to make him unhappy?

for what?

what are you even trying to accomplish?

why do you do this?

Because what he's doing is similar bullstuff to the rest of your bronies, and something the Blockland forums needs to be cleansed of.

Did you use the Derpy in feeling pinkie keen for that drawing?

He's Squideey, of course it's freehand.  He's just that awesome.

All Squids are :-)

Because what he's doing is similar bullstuff to the rest of your bronies, and something the Blockland forums needs to be cleansed of.


Being a brony is like having brain cancer, a lot of people who became bronies never post anywhere else in the blockland forums aside from this thread, but this IS the blockland forums.

yep, 90% bullstuff

alright let's continue discussing ponies

You want to keep on discussing ponies? Have fun slowly degrading the forums and yourselves, one day you're going to look back at the first time you saw the show and you're going to shudder and die a little inside.

You want to keep on discussing ponies? Have fun slowly degrading the forums and yourselves, one day you're going to look back at the first time you saw the show and you're going to shudder and die a little inside.

Not to mention not being able to find a girlfriend since you uncontrollably demand one that likes Friendship is Magic.

Not to mention not being able to find a girlfriend since you uncontrollably demand one that likes Friendship is Magic.
sure whatever

Not to mention not being able to find a girlfriend since you uncontrollably demand one that likes Friendship is Magic.
