Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7785563 times)

Kimon, the second vegetarian Zombie.

Kimon, the second vegetarian Zombie.
Who's that?
I don't know anyone here D:

Who's that?
I don't know anyone here D:
He had the same problem and his parents took away his PC.

He had the same problem and his parents took away his PC.
Ah. Makes sense. Actually my parents officially put me in a pissy mood, so can you say something to piss them off? C:<
Ok well maybe not but what the hell do I do?

You probably yelled at them.

You probably yelled at them.
Yeah kinda, but it happens all the time. It's like all of my families' conversations are hostile screaming.
"DID YOU DO THE loving DISHES?!?!?"

Ok so apparently my family is going apestuff about what you guys are saying and it's making the situation worse, so I may not have my computer for a while, they think you guys are child enthusiasts or some stuff. God I hate my loving family -.-
if you're going to leave forever then you need that forever picture

I may record a conversation. It may or may not be pointless and stupid, but we'll see.
Just a heads up, my voice will probably sound silly.

Ok so apparently my family is going apestuff about what you guys are saying and it's making the situation worse, so I may not have my computer for a while, they think you guys are child enthusiasts or some stuff. God I hate my loving family -.-

irrationality level: parent

So here's the conversation, the recording only picked up my voice that I purposely rose for it to hear.
Me: "Mom, why can't I wear the Derpy shirt"
Mom: "It seems queer, you'll get made fun of"
Dad: "Which shirt, the gay one? Why don't you put loving flowers in your hair while your at it?"
Me: "Hurdurhur so funny Dad."
Dad: "I'm not gonna have you come and say you're gay one day, right?"
Me: "This conversation was pointless"
[ Goes in room ]
Dad: "I was joking, but I do want to check out that website and make sure they aren't a bunch of friend child enthusiasts."
[ End of act 1 ]
 :cookieMonster: Isn't my family the best?

Well anyways, I'm probably gonna stop bitching about my parents now.

that last line made me lol so hard

Wear the shirt anyways.
Impossibru, my mom has it locked in her car.